Student vs Teacher

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“How it all began, if truth be told 

I had a master plan 

Now I rule the world..”

“Dianna please stop singing that song! You are freaking everyone out including me!”

“Took ‘em by surprise

Worked my way uphill

They looked into my eyes, I became invincible

No one, can stop me 

For only I am in control..”

Natasha stared at me slowly backing away along with the other five or six students who probably think I finally snapped. See, this is why I love “Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark; it scares the crap out of people plus it fits me so perfectly.

“Seriously Dianna, quit it!”

“Don’t mess with me

I’ll shoot you down!” as soon as the lyrics escaped my lips I shot an unsuspecting freshman with my water gun full of tropical punch Kool-Aid then let out a loud cackle. I bet the poor sucker wasn’t expecting that on his first day of high school. Too bad that won’t be the last thing that happens to him; seniors are so cruel to the freshmen, ha!

I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Dianna. Dianna Jackson to be more precise, but everyone calls me DJ. There’s no point of me spending half an hour to describe my looks and my personality; you’re just gonna have to use your  experience of me to gain that knowledge down the road. All that I will tell you right now is that I’m a prankster. A huge one at that. 

My point in life is to make Mr. Bentley, my science teacher, miserable. So far I’ve succeeded doing that but he has succeeded in making my life miserable as well. Everything I throw at the man comes back at me tenfold! It’s hard thinking of what I could do to this man without it backfiring on me. Deon tries to help me but his failed attempts are too mediocre.

I reached Mr. Bentley’s room and quietly picked the lock, constantly looking around to make sure he wasn’t coming to ruin my newest plot against him. At a turtle’s pace I slinked my way into the room and immediately searched for security cameras. Last time I came in here to set up a prank the old man put three of those ten dollar recorders from Toy’s R us and caught me in the act. It was cheap, but convenient for the biscuit eating bull dog.

“Ah, the little she devil is at it again isn’t she?”

I jumped about three feet in the air and swiveled around to see Deon smirking ay me with a knowing look.

 “Out!” I hissed knowing whenever I see him my prank goes horribly wrong. He’s like a bad omen. 

“Now is that a respectful way to speak to your older brother?” he chuckled leaning against a desk.

“Deon for the last time you’re only older by two minutes. Now get out of here before I-”

“Before you what Dianna” he cut me off smirking again, “Before you call mommy dearest about my suspension? I got so much crap on you you’d be grounded for a seven years.”

“Before I call out for Natasha and her sister Kennedy.” I smirked now watching his eyes go wide and face go pale.

The way he ran out of the room would put Looney tune’s road runner to shame. I don’t really blame him though; my best friend and her sister are stalkers.

After he left I locked Mr. Bentley’s door and proceeded with my master plan. I took out some ex-lax chocolate and placed it in his coffee pot then emptied about half the contents of a caster oil onto his pizza in the mini fridge by his desk. I would’ve put that in his coffee too but the stuff is so greasy he would immediately know somebody tampered with his precious drink, and since pizza is already greasy he would never know. This is the perfect payback for his last prank.

“Don’t mess with me….."

3 hours later

“Yes! Yes yes yeas!!!!”


“It must be my birthday!”

“He’s gone! He’s really gone! I think I’m gonna cry!”

Laying my head down, I watched as everyone whooped and hollered noticing the absence of Mr. Bentley and the presence of the hot substitute Mr. Gregory. Good thing he was already here today or everyone would be acting like chimpanzees at the lack of a guardian in the classroom.

“DJ what. Did. You. Do?” Natasha breathed, taking a long hard look at the sub like he was her new eye candy.

“Why do you honestly think it was me?’

“Because you just implied something did happen to him ya smartalic.”


The rest of school went by uneventful. Some jock tried to start a food fight but a teacher caught him before he could even glance down at the deadly spaghetti that was served today. Then where was an attempt to do the freshman trial today but again, teachers stepped in before it could happen. You see, this is why people need me. I’m too cool to get caught. I’m the one who broke the record for pranks at McGravon High school. Teachers quake when I walk by them in the hall, my name is worshipped by the bands of class clowns, and I even have interns who will one day follow in my shadow when I’m long gone. You want to know why? Because no one cant stop me, for only I am in control.

Yes, I am obsessed with “Don’t Mess With Me” because it’s my theme song.”


Deon and I threw our backpacks to the side the second we entered the house yelling a fierce hello letting our mom know we are home.

“Hey DJ Dee come here, I want you to meet somebody!” she yelled from the kitchen.

Me and Deon starred at each other before shrugging then walking to the kitchen. We stopped dead in our tracks at the entrance with shock, disgust, and horror passed through us. There, standing in the kitchen with mom was Mr. Bentley. His eyes widened in shock too at the sight of me and my brother before running to Deon’s bathroom. Once he slammed the door a foul odor emitted from it followed by  unsettling noises.

“I didn’t want you guys to meet this way” mom bit her lip, “but that was my boyfriend Richard Bentley. He said he wasn’t feeling good after drinking a pot of coffee this morning.”


I think my heart stopped beating. WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?! Oh god the room is spinning. Just as I hit the floor emitting a piercing why into the air Deon bellowed out too.

“My bathroom! Why? She was so young!”

Your bathroom? Deon you idiot! Don’t you realize mom is dating the enemy?!


Mom is dating enemy number one!

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