Chapter 6: Abilities and Abuse

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Sally POV

I have found a lot of things about Percy and his abilities. When he is angry his eyes turn blood red (Ares) . When he listens or sings music his eyes turn a dark blue (Apollo) . When he is in the water his eyes turn sea green (Poseidon)  . When he steals or lies his eyes turn baby blue (Hermes). When he builds something his eyes turn a light brown (Hephaestus) . When someone he knows dies his eyes turn dark brown (Hades). When it rains and there is thunder his eyes turn electric blue (Zeus). Also when someone who is drunk is around him his eyes turn purple (Dionysus). Also when it is night his eyes turn dark black/blue with little white specs in them (Chaos). Finally when there is anything time related his eyes turn golden (Kronos)

When non of those things are in effect his eyes look like his father Thanatos.

---Time skip ---👌😊🤦

On a Tuesday I came home from work and went into Percy's room. I noticed Percy was hiding his back, but I didn't know why. I came closer and said," Percy why are you hiding your back?"

Percy showed me his back and I gasped he had- he had - he had WINGS!! They looked just like his fathers so that must be one of his abilities as a child of Thanatos. When I touched them they were silky and soft. I touched the tip of one of the feathers and they were like metal. Percy had  black, gold, silver, and bronze feathers. I plucked one and threw it at a wall it stuck as if it were a knife.

His wings must be different kinds of metals. AMAZING. My child will be an amazing hero when he grows up. All of the sudden his wings went into his back.

"How did yo do that?"

"A voice in my head told me how to control it and told me on to use them to hurt anyone unless someone is in danger."

Thank you Thanatos for guiding him.

2 Months after wings incident

Percy POV (What you have been waiting for am I right?)

I was dreading going back home because Smelly Gabe would still be there with his poker buddies and beer. I was afraid that I might anger him and he might hit me again (but then again I couldn't feel pain but I remember the first time


I was walking home from school and I was running late. I don't how I knew that, but when I thought what time it was I thought of two forty five. I was fifteen minutes late, but I didn't really care since Smelly Gabe wouldn't do anything to me.

When I got in the apartment I was about to straight into my room, but Smelly Gabe held me back. (mature part after this)

"What the hell you doing back so late basted ? Hu? Answer me." He pushed me back against the wall and slapped my face. I whimpered and backed into a corner because he never acted like this . He smelled of beer and cigars with a lot of body oder to top it off.

"I-I-I stayed after school to clean up the classroom, sir. I won't be ate again," I stuttered. He lifted his hand and I flinched

He grabbed me by my neck and squeezed it. I couldn't breath and I could feel the tears weal up  in my eyes. He dropped me to the floor and I caught my breath. He punched me on my stomach repedatly and kicked me as well.

Black spots swam in my vision until every thing went black.

-- End of Flash Back-- (Bad part over)

I never told mom in fear that Smelly Gabe might hurt her. She doesn't deserve it she is a good person. I don't deserve it either but better me than her because if she got hurt because of me I wouldn't be able to live with myself . Plus I had this medical condition that makes me not feel pain

As I went in the apartment I tried to be as quiet as possible so that Smelly Gabe won't know that I am here. Sadly things didn't go my way and he got me.

I struggled against his grip, but he was too strong for a five year-old like me. I was scared because he would just hit me, beat me, strangle me, and/or beat me with his belt.

Gabe found out that I heal with water but ten times faster than I thought possible. He would boil water then stuff my face  into the pot or whatever  and try to drown me that never works because it is like I could breath in the water. (Mature part now)

He got his belt and started to hit me. He hit my face and back and would laugh while doing it I didn't feel it and I didn't cry which would frustrate him a lot. He once even got a knife and made little cuts on me over and over again only to dump water to make me heal again, so that he could cut me again. I had a cut running to my sholder to my waist I didn't feel that either.

He kicked me in the face and spat on me. I got angry and said, ''Why are you hurting me? Is it because you used to get beat as a kid because of your fatness and staidness or is it because you are poor and slow?" I knew I would regret it later but I kept on going " You are nothing more than a slob and no other person would ever like you. You are a basturd and a rapist, and I bet your mother abandoned you  because she was so embarrassed t look at you because you are that ugly.''

By now Gabe looked red as a tomato and murderous as well. (X_X O.O).  He took me to the bathroom and locked me in there. I heard him making a call. Ten minuets later he unlocked the door and a woman walked in. She had blond hair a big chest and a lot of make up on that made her look like a clown. Gabe was behind me and he grabbed my arms and held me steady. I tried to get away but couldn't. The lady started to unzip my pants and then pull down my underwear. 

 I panicked and started kicking. She then got on a strap on (dildo {Percy doesn't because he is only five}) and tied it around her waist. Gabe pushed me down so that I was on all fours and my butt was up in the air.

All of the sudden the door was open and my mom came in and saw what they were doing. She looked murderous and ran up to Gabe and Punched him he stumbled back. Mom then grabbed the lady and hit her hard and yelled,'' GET OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS ON YOU.''

The lady ran out the door. S. Gabe got up as I put my pants up and grabbed my mom from behind and took her to their room. I got up and tired to stop them by kicking Gabe where it hurts. He almost fell but got an empty beer bottle and hit me on the head with it. As I stumbled back he took my mom into the room and locked the door. I heard screaming as I kept banging on the door.

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