Chapter 7: Death and Saviors

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Sally POV

Gabe dragged me to the bedroom and shut the door I tried to fight him, but he weight to much. I had never had sex with him and I never wanted to. (MATURE PART NEXT)

He took off his pants and then he started to forcibly take off mine, but I kept on fighting him. He got my pants and underwear off and I was screaming at him to get off me and to stop it.

He shoved himself into me and it really hurt I started to scream and shout at him to get off of me and that he was hurting me.

I prayed to Artemis, Hera, and Hestia that they may come and help me and take care of Percy... if I don't make it out alive.

Gabe was going in fast and he was making me sick I kept on praying and screaming for him to stop and when he finally stopped I felt like I was dying. The door was unlocked and Percy came running in. Gabe looked at him got a beer bottle and hit Percy but he got up and hit Gabe where the sun don't shine. Gabe went down as Percy came towards me and started to hug me I hugged him back.

Percy POV

Mom didn't see Gabe get up with a knife but I did and I covered my mom. Gabe pushed me out of the way, but I still got up and tried to intercept the knife with my hand but it was too late because he had stabbed my mom in the heart.

I hit my head against the edge of the table and I started to blackout but before I did I saw a blinding light. ( Mature part over)

Artemis POV

It was the summer solstices and we were  almost at the end of the meeting  when I a woman send me a prayer.

"Help if you can hear my lady Artemis please come and help me I am about to be raped by a disgusting slob who has been hitting my five year old child. Also please if I don't survive please take care of my baby boy. He is my only son and the one thing that keeps me going" I desperately wanted to go help this lady but the meeting had to end. Only ten more minutes.  

Hera POV

"Help me please my husband has been abusing my child and brought a hooker to come and rape him. He is now raping me please help me and please if I don't survive take care of my child I am begging you to do it if HE doesn't kill me or him first.

 I wanted to help this woman so bad as well as the small child she has. Who ever would rape a child is not a person but a monster and  I can't wait till I get my hands on that monster. Only 8 more minutes to go.

Hestia POV

"Help me please! Save my child from my husband. He has been beating my child for two years and he is now raping me please save my child and take care of him I can't bare the thought of anything happening to him."

I want to help this woman but I have to wait 7 more minutes hopefully that won't be to late and both the child and the mother will be alive when I get there.

3rd POV

Zeus finally called the meeting to an end and said that everyone was dismissed. The three goddesses flashed to the apartment and saw a horrible bloody seen in front of them. There was a boy that looked like he was either five or four on the floor laying in a pool of his own blood and he was slowly bleeding out from various wounds from his body.

All three goddesses noticed each other and realized that they were called by the same woman and they responded because this was a major insult to their domains and it was being caused by one man. They looked to see a disgusting man who reeked of sweet, blood, beer, and cigars.

Hestia picked up the boy and began to heal him using her godly powers. While Hestia was doing that Hera was looking into Sally's memories to see why she had married this slob in the first place while Artemis got out her hunting knives and faced the man. Gabe was into much of a shock to realize who they were and hit Hestia who was healing the boy.

Artemis got angry and got the man off of Hestia and started to beat up the pig. Hera was shocked about this woman's life and child. The poor woman and child had a hard life, so she would answer the second part of Sally's prayer by adopting her child. Hera then started to look into the boy's memories and was shocked to see that he willingly took  the beatings so that Sally wouldn't be hit.

Artemis cut off the man's testacies and started to make little cuts on his body and finally ended his life. Hestia despite getting hit healed the boy and herself and adopted the boy because she knew that he needed a home and new mother.

Artemis looked at Hera and said," Well what did you get from their memories?"

" These two have been through a lot and I will bless the child and adopt it as my own because he deserves it that much." To say Artemis was shocked would be an understandment because Hera never gave anyone her blessing much less adopted anyone. So to figure out more she looked into her memories and saw how well the boy treated her mother. Artemis never admitted this but she always wanted a child of her own.  She then looked into the boy's memories and was suspired to  see that he would let himself be hurt so that his mother would be fine.

The boy's memories touched her heart and she said," I to will adopt the child and I will also make him my champion because he is worthy of it."

" Well sister and niece I have already adopted the child because he need a mother and home. Also I can feel that he is deserving of my blessing so tell me what did you see in their minds?''

Both goddesses told Hestia about Sally being the first lover of Thanatos and that she was raped by the male Olympians and Hades. Hestia was shocked and disappointed in her male relatives.

All of the sudden the child started to stir. His eyes were dark brown and he looked at the corpse of his mother and started to weep. The tree goddesses were comforting him as he cried for his biological mother.

Thanatos POV

I went to go pick up a soul and went into a familiar neighborhood and I arrived at the door of my lover Sally Jackson. I flashed inside and saw her bloody corpse on the bed and I also saw Hera, Hestia, and Airtimes there and they were consoling my son.

I came closer and looked at her body and began to weep for the death of my lover. I saw the man who did this and immediately  sent him to the fields of punishment  while I sent Sally before the judges.

I looked at my son and said," Percy is that really you?" The boy in question looked up and

asked," Who are you? Who are all of you?"

We all started to explain that he was a demigod and that he was my son. He was angry and his eyes turned blood red, but when we explained to him why I couldn't be there he calmed down and understood. I also learned that the three goddesses had adopted my son and that Airtimes was going to raise him with the hunt so that he will be the perfect male and not like the ones like Gabe.

I sadly had to leave but before I left my son reveled his wings and to say the goddesses were shocked would be and understandment So with a smile on my face I left. 

The Son of Many (Percy Jackson fanfiction [book 1]) The lightning ThiefHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin