Chapter 14: I'm Freaking Screwed and Am Forced To Reveal Myself Which Sucks

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Percy POV

I looked at the door and my one though was 'FUCK'

I mean why couldn't the Fates give me a bit of luck today I mean now I have to take out my armor again and add another design for both of them.

I looked at Chiron and smiled weakly and he looked at me suspiciously as he motioned me to follow him. I sadly had to comply because I didn't want to seem any more suspicious.

I followed him all the way to the Big House - I mean seriously couldn't the campers call the house something else than what it looks like. Because just naming it 'Big House' makes it seem as if they don't have any imagination.   

I climbed the steps and saw that Mr.D - one of my fathers- was there drinking diet coke. Once he saw me he raised his diet coke to me and nodded then drank it and looked away from me as if I didn't exist.

Chiron opened the door and I entered and saw that there was a pinochle table and around it there were chairs around it. I guess that they all have their very important meetings around a gambling table - huh typical.

Chiron motioned me to sit down and I obliged as he rolled his wheel chair near where I was.

He sighed after a moment and looked at me with tired eyes. I tilted my head in curiosity. Then Chiron asked the one thing that I have kept secret for years.

"Percy, can you explain to me why and how you have been claimed by at least 7 and now 8 gods? I need to know this because I don't want to anger any of the gods by placing you with the wrong cabin to join with activities."

I sighed and closed my eyes and mentally asked my mother (Hera) if I could tell Chiron the truth well except the Kronos part.

She responded a second later saying that it was fine but I had to tell him everything even the thing about Kronos and Saturn being my father, and how I was both Greek and Roman, and that the rest of my parents -that know about me, well except Dionysius and Hephaestus because they barely found out about me - agreed.

I opened my eyes and sighed as I looked at Chiron.

"Well since my parents agreed then I can tell you then let me start from the beginning." I sighed ," There was once a woman named Sally Jackson and she had caught the eyes of Thanatos god of death and they both fell in love with each other. There love resulted in a child, but when Sally was barely a week pregnate she was raped by the male Olympians and Hades. Only two of them did it unwillingly because they were possessed by Kronos. The strange thing was that they -the gods- would switch forms from Greek to Roman. Then when the child was born Chaos blessed and adopted the child in order to keep the boys scent down, but it only lessoned it. As the boy grew his scent grew stronger which caused monster to come closer, until Sally  married a mortal. The mortal was abusive, a drunk, and a gambler.

The smell he gave off helped cover the boy's demigod scent and the boy was safe but it came with a cost .... because his stepfather started to become abusive. The boy would take his mother's beatings because he knew that she didn't deserve them. The boy couldn't feel any pain which was a blessing and a curse. His stepfather would beat him half way to death and it would only infuriate him when the boy didn't cry or scream out in pain.

Then one day the boy lashed out on his stepfather and the boy was only 7. The Stepfather became so angry that he started to beat him, and when the boy was on the floor somewhat unconscious, he called someone. Then in a matter of minutes a woman came and was about to rape the child. Then the boy's mother, Sally Jackson, came home form work early and saw what was happening. She lashed out on her husband and nocked him to the floor. The other woman left the house and the boy was okay, and his mother came towards him. Then Sally hugged the boy but she didn't see her husband get up.

The Stepfather, Gabe,  grabbed Sally by her neck and began to beat her. The boy got up and started to help his mother. He started to hit his stepfather, but his stepfather then hit him with a beer bottle making the boy fall to the ground weak from blood loss. Gabe then took Sally from the floor and dragged her to their bed room. Gabe started to rape Sally, and Sally started to pray to the gods. She prayed to Hestia, Hera, and Artemis. When they came to help her it was already to late.

The boy had heard her mothers cries and screams for help and he started to knock down the door. When he did manage to get the door open  he found a empty beer bottle and threw it at Gabe. Gabe went down and the boy went towards his mother who seemed pale and near death. Her breath was ragged and the boy was so distraught the he didn't notice Gabe get back up. He grabbed the boy by his neck and threw him to a near by drawer. Then he got up in time to see Gabe about to stab his mother. The boy ran as fast as he could so he could be stabbed and not his mother. But he was to late, and his mother was stabbed in the heart. His head scarped the corner of something and he was nocked down.

When the three goddesses saw what was happening they were furious because Gabe had dishonored all of their domains and they killed him and healed the boys. As the mothers last dying wish the three goddesses adopted the boy and he accepted. He also became their champion, and as time passed the boy came to forgive some of his fathers and accept them. Then one of his mothers sent him to camp half blood to have more friends and teach the campers a thing or two. 

And that boy was me."

I know short but I have like 4 other stories to update so yeah sorry.

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