Chapter 17: A Confrontation

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Percy POV

I walk back to my cabin and before I went inside I looked at the stars. I start tho think about what my fellow sisters are doing, and what I would be doing if I was still with them.

I sigh dejectedly. I know something big is coming I just don't know what, but I know that I am right in the middle of this fucking shit.

I go inside my cabin. Every time I go inside my cabin it still amazes me how many things I have in here. I haven't even explored the whole entire cabin or mini-mansion as I like to call it.

Sometimes I still wonder what life could have been for me if I was just the child of Thantoes and nothing more. Would my mother still be here? Would I be in this mess? I would I have a happy apple-pie childhood?

I go up to my room.

I change into my pajamas an get into bed.

I honestly did try to go to sleep but I just couldn't. I couldn't help but feel sad and hopeless about the life I'm living.

Why do I have to be this different? Why couldn't I just be normal? I wanted to cry but I just couldn't find the energy to do so. I know I may act carefree and sarcastic but on the inside I am slowly killing myself and I am emotionally shattered.

I hope that someday I will be able to find someone who will be able to understand why I put on a brave face and hide my feelings.

I turned myself so I was facing towards the ceiling.

Then I slowly felt sleep come my way, and when I I felt the darkness coming towards me I embraced it and let it consume me.


I woke up due to the sound of a horn which signaled breakfast. I slowly go up and got ready for the day.

I showered, put on a fresh pair of clothes on, and got made sure that all my weapons were where they need to be.

I left my cabin and walk to the palvation. I looked around and saw that everyone still hadn't noticed me, which I found relieving. I casually made my way to the Hermes table and as I was about to sit next to Luke it was then when everyone noticed me thanks to someone...

"JACKSON!!," Annabeth yelled as she stormed her way towards me.

The campers ceased their talking and were watching as Annabeth march towards me with a furious expression on her face.

I looked at her in annoyance because it was way to early for this shit. "Yes, that's my last name. Don't wear it out," I said annoyed.


I looked around at the campers and saw that they looked scared of Annabeth. I honestly don't know whats so scary about her, I mean all she is doing is acting like a fucking bitch whose pride has been wounded.

I rolled my eyes and glared back at her giving her my best fuck-off-bitch-before-I-fucking-kill you-and-make-you-scream-for-mercy glare.

She stopped glaring and took a step back in fear.

I guess no one has glared back or showed that they aren't afraid of her.

"And if I don't tell you then what? Are you going to stab me with your dagger - that is if you can even catch me off guard and beat me in a fight. Why do you want to know anyway? What ever information I didn't share with you was for a reason. Okay? If I did tell you then the whole camp would be killed or something and that information can only be told if a god or Chiron gave me the okay. Have a complaint about that? Then shove it up you fucking a-"

I was cut of when Chiron stomped his hoof on the floor.

"Both of you stop. Annabeth stop asking about what Percy didn't say. He isn't allowed to say anything regarding that topic. And Percy what would Artemis say if she saw you taking to a girl like that?"

"Honestly I think she would say something along the lines of 'as long as she/he deserved to hear it then it is okay with me' and 'if you spilled anything that wasn't supposed to be said i will take away your weapons for a month and make you train till you drop for the next 29 years' or something like that."

The others looked at me dumb struck not actually expecting me to respond.

I shrugged off the looks and took my seat.

I looked at Luke and noticed that he was analyzing me as if to tell who I really was. I don't blame him I want to know who I am... or who I will turn out to be.

He then noticed that I had caught him in the act and gained a bit of a pink shade on his skin, but didn't look away.

I smirked at him and raised an eyebrow at him.

All he did was turn away still a bit pink.

I shook off the warm feeling that was growing in my heart, and decided to just focus on eating my breakfast


After a long day of training I was summoned by Chiron.

At least now I knew that I was right about my intuition of me being a part of something

I hope that what ever it is that is will only be a one time thing and that I will be left alone right after it.

But then again when has the world or life ever gone my way.... or the simple way.

One thing I know for sure though is that as long as I have someone (or some people) by my side I will be fine, and if not then guess I can settle for relatively okay.

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