Chapter 14 - It's Time To Save My World

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I think I've proven you wrong.

I still don't believe it.
She doesn't love you, she doesn't like you, she's just using you.
Don't get your hopes up.

It just seems like you're doing whatever it takes to bring
me down! Can you just go away and die someplace nice?

Unless you kill yourself,
then sure.

You bastard.
Can't we just be happy
something good is
happening to us for once?

Something good is
happening to you. I'm stuck
in your stupid, idealistic head
filled with fantasies and falsehoods.

But you aren't
even fucking real!
My sick head just made
you up!

Then why do you still
talk to me? Why do you insist
on believing I'm so real, but still
stay aware that I'm fake?



Two weeks later

"Alright, settle down you loudmouths, we've got quite the developments today." The chief tiredly fit his eyeglasses over the bridge of his muzzle.

In his hooves was a clipboard with all the briefing info that he planned on skimming through quickly. He just wanted to sit down at his desk and sleep.

"First off," He put his hoof to the first line, "Hopps, you're off your little punishment for unnecessary force against a citizen. You'll have a case to work on later, so hold on."

His hoof reached the secondary line, to which he looked up. "Our new recruits, Officer David Slaughter, Officer Ethan Tellhan... parking duty. Officers Wellington, Wolford, Smith, Kiko, you all are with them. Clawhauser will show you to your things."

The two new recruits, sweating in their uniforms, nodded quickly; Judy was not that excited to see that they were just more timber wolves.

"Francine is on paid leave, something about pregnancy; Officer Snarloff is in the hospital for a shot in his shoulder, that's all that is."

He slammed the clipboard down seriously, put his elbows to the podium, and put his fists so that they supported his chin; with his index fingers covering his mouth thoughtfully.

"I realize things have been very slow the past year," He started, eyes glued to the podium, not changing his position.

I've only been here for a couple months, Judy thought.

"But some things have come up. I'm not exactly sure how you all are going to feel about this, I didn't know what to think either." His expression was emotionless, and voice was dead flat.

Judy felt the room suddenly go cold, blue even, as rain began to slowly tap the windows; to be let in.

"So I'm going to take a little time to explain this; that's why I wanted to get everyone I didn't want involved in this out."

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