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zootopia media catalogs

today's recorder: Alan Woodbecker

objective: explicit content and trending subjects

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foxxx news
z news
z gossip
zoo to hell classic horror channel
visit zootopia
serenity talks
the local conspirator


begin transmission . . . .

the local conspirator
"Moonlight is thought to turn some people into strange creatures to drive others mad."

"It's being brought up by a now, nationally recognized case! This bear lawyer, out of Zootopia, somehow has a terrifying foothold to throw our structure of life away!"

Zoo To Hell Classic Movie Channel
"Does the moon actually possess such strange powers? Or is it all just... lunacy?"

Serenity Talks (8:30 AM)
"It seems as though, change is finally among us! While their case has very little backing for this case, it does seem as though hope will be the leading source of power for this case."

Foxxx News
"The funny thing is, the ZNN is in SUPPORT of the collars, claiming it supports social order, and the are calling life without labels lunacy, yet they call for labeling amongst themselves specist! They call the special rights of the LGBTQ, special rights that are solely for an individual group, more important than the natural born rights of basic and complex predator! They attack all Christians, and any peaceful religion as hateful, and in turn, form mob mentality in their viewers, resulting to actual violence towards predators! They blame them as a scapegoat, because they're too delusional to see that equality is all that matters, and while they're fighting for special rights just for themselves, we're whimpering like crippled animals! They think they're rebellious, they think they're against the grain, no, they're just another grain of sand in a sandbox of hate!"

Z News
"It's crazy to wrap your head around, just think about it, all you walks of life out here in Zootopia. How does it even exist?"

"It's horrifying. Yet they see collars as so normal. I don't understand! Don't they know we want life as well? Isn't all wrongful killing, murder? So citizens of the world, let me ask you a question; what kind of sick fuck finds serenity in murder?"

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