A Loss

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The next day was the day. The Finals. Betsy was to sing " How Far I'll Go " by Alessia Cara, with The Big Beats with " Rise " By Katy Perry. Betsy sang gently, and softly, slowly processing her emotions for Pete and converting them into vocals. " And no one knows, how far I'll go! " She sang the last line. Everyone clapped. The Big Beats sang loud and proud. Except Pete. He played softly, still feeling down about Betsy and Iris. A few cheers were heard after their performance. " And now then winner is.... " The two held their breath and panicked. " Betsy Butter! " Miss Candy Announced happily. Everyone cheered and clapped. Some even whistled. The Big Beats were devastated. " UGH! Pete, you made us lose! You played soft when we were meant to be powerful! Ugh.... " Charlie groaned. Everyone started blaming Pete for the loss of their group. But Pete didn't care. All he wanted now was Betsy.

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