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In the night, Betsy was the star of Caramel Topping's Party to celebrate her winning the contest. She was having so much fun, until two hours later, Pete showed up. " Pete? " Betsy looked at him, quite shocked. " Look, Betsy, I have feelings for you. And I don't mean just any other normal feeling, I mean, well.... I love you, Betsy. I know it seems like I'm taken by Iris, but she forced me into that, and I just wanna say That, we're done, and us, you and me, we can be a new start. True love. I've always liked you Betsy, right from the start. And these aren't just words, they come from my heart, which Beats for you and you alone. I'll do anything and everything for you, and I'll never stop loving you. The question is, will you love me? Betsy, will you be my Girlfriend? " Pete asked, kneeling down in front of Betsy. She just stood there for a while. " Y-Yes! " Betsy finally exclaimed, tears of joy overflowing in her eyes. Pete picked her up and swung her around. And so that was the start of their relationship: Betsy Butter and Parmesan Pete.

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