| Six |

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11 May, 1998

Josie's eyes opened when the burning sensation on her finger became intolerable. Quickly, she slipped off Draco's ring, which had a fait glow of light radiating off it, and looked at the words that had just appeared inside. Find the Deathly Hollows. Feeling relieved, Josephine slipped back on the ring and endured the pain. After days of wondering what could have happened, Draco had finally shown a sign of life. A short one, indeed, but at least she knew now he was safe, or at least, safe enough to do his part of the plan and contact her. The burning gradually stopped and the soft glow coming from her hand soon disappeared, leaving her alone in the darkness of her bedroom. Now that the message was gone, the voices from her vision were coming back to haunt her. Even awake, she could hear them whisper; The boy who lived...the Dark Lord... will win... will die... will live...forever...must die at the hand of the other... neither can live while the other survives... only one can kill another... Must die.

The voices weren't clear in her vision, as if they were coming from a far away place, they sounded muffled. But Josie had heard the essential. And she didn't want to believe them, couldn't bring herself to believe those words. Shaking her head to try and get rid of the whispers, she quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to find Andromeda. She found the older witch feeding baby Teddy in the living room, all the while looking out the window at the clear blue sky. The moment she entered the room, Teddy looked at her with his dark brown eyes and started babbling, his eyes slowly turning green. She smiled at him and softly kissed the top of his head before sitting down beside Andromeda on the couch. Andromeda looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes, and Josie offered to take care of Harry for the night to let her sleep a whole night without interruptions. She agreed and handed her Teddy to catch up on sleep before Josie stopped her.

"Dromeda, Draco contacted me."

The witch turned around and looked at Josephine, a questioning look in her gaze.

"He used the Protean Charm on the ring. He can not come here to warn us, nor send owls. The Dark Lord has spies everywhere, so we planned on him using the ring to send me messages. And he did. He told me to find the Deathly Hollows. But I'll need help."

The frown left Dromeda's face and she sat back down next to Josie.

"I know of them, but I have no idea where they are, if they're even real. But I do think Harry had an invisibility cloak the time he and a man named Hagrid came here to hide. I don't know where it is now."

"Do you think the Order has it?" She asked.

"No. If Shacklebolt had an invisibility cloak in his possession, he would have used it in the battle of Hogwarts. But I think I know who might have it."

Getting up from the couch they were sitting on, Andromeda walked to the fireplace and picked up a wooden box from the mantelpiece. Opening it, she showed it to Josie.

"Is that, Floo Powder?" Asked Josephine.

She nodded yes.

"And why exactly is it purple?"

"It turned this color after the Order enchanted scoops of the original Floo Powder. All of the unplottable houses used by the Order for hideouts can only be reached by portkeys or this peculiar powder." Taking a pause to pickup Teddy in her arms, she resumed. "I think you will find what you are looking for at the Shell Cottage."

Grabbing a handful of the plum powder, Josephine entered the large fireplace and spoke clearly before throwing the powder at her feet. Bright green flames licked at her legs and she felt herself being pulled back at an extreme pace. She caught sight of green flames and what looked like fireplace zooming past her, but couldn't make out a single detail. One second, she was still moving and the next, she was sitting on the floor of an unfamiliar kitchen. Through the window, all she could see was sand and sky. Brushing off the dirt on her pants, she got up and turned around, freezing at the sight of a ginger boy holding a wand at her.

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