| Sixteen |

37 3 2

26 June, 1998

Draco apparated at Malfoy Manor mere seconds after the mark on his left forearm started burning. With the pain only intensifying, he didn't wait for the rest of Voldemort's army to appear and made his way quickly towards the cellar, from where faint sounds of spells hitting flesh could be heard. Stepping inside the drawing room, Draco barely had the time to register the disapparating form of his old Hogwarts professor before he found himself alone in the room. With the exception of a not so well Augustus Rockwood and a fuming werewolf. The men were on opposite sides of the room, looking in every corner in hopes of discovering someone left behind. The Dark Lord wouldn't be happy with them, but at least with a few prisoners they hoped his wrath would be diminished. But only a lifeless body remained behind.

Fenrir's and Rockwood's heads turned at once towards the wizard whom had just entered the room, Augustus' wand raised and the werewolf ready to pounce, hoping their luck was up, but soon realized Draco had joined them. He fought back a triumphant grin, then glanced at Fenrir Greyback, being unable to hold back his taunting threat.

"I hope you have a bloody great explanation for the Dark Lord, mutt. I warned him not to trust you with such an important task."

The werewolf growled at him, showing his fangs, but soon a glint of fear appeared in his dark eyes. Draco felt the chilling presence of Lord Voldemort behind him, and stepped out of the way to let him enter the room, soon followed by the rest of his army. Voldemort glanced around the destroyed room, his eyes flashing red, then raised the Elder wand at his two soldiers, hitting them with a silent but powerful spell. Both men fell to the ground and contorted in pain, and Nagini wasted no time sliding towards them and biting them several times across the face and chest. Not only would they feel the pain of the Cruciatus curse, they would also have to deal with the painful hallucinations provoked by the snake's venom. Bellatrix was cackling somewhere behind him, and this time, Draco couldn't hold back the smile from splitting his lips at the sight of the beast he hated the most finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

All of a sudden, the bodies stopped moving. Exhausted from the pain, the Death Eater and the werewolf had lost consciousness. Lord Voldemort wasted no time reanimating them with a spell to keep torturing the two git who had let loose their prisoners in a matter of minutes. After what felt like hours, another Death Eater, Dolohov, stepped forward.

"I think it would be best, my lord, if we let them heal. We will need their help to find the Longbottom boy and his frien-..."

The Dark Lord had turned his attention to his disciple, only to groan of anger and blast a Crucio his way. How dare he interrupted him. He then turned on his heels and walked out of the room, his snake close behind. Voldemort was fuming, and everyone agreed to stay out of his way. All but Bellatrix, who jumped forward and run after her master, shouting about good news.

"I've found it- m'lord- the stone. The Resurrection Stone!"

At her words, the Dark Lord stopped walking.

"I have it here." She added, reaching into the inner pocket of her robe.

In her hands stood a small dark coloured stone, on which was engraved the sign of the Deathly Hollows. Voldemort's eyes were fixed upon the relic, a gigantic smile on his lips. He moved to Bellatrix, grabbed the stone and a horrible laugh left his throat.

Draco knew this was extremely bad. The Dark Lord was now in possession of two of the relics, and he didn't want to picture the future if Voldemort ever mastered Death. His reign had only just begun, but Draco and the rebellion couldn't wait for it to be done. He gulped down his fear, and like the other Death Eaters, pretended to rejoice at the news.

Soon enough, Draco and Theodore found themselves alone at the manor, both in a desperate mood. They were seated in the sitting area of Draco's bedroom, an empty bottle of Firewhiskey between them, and Theo was drunkenly mouthing off the Dark Lord, being careful not to pronounce his name in fear of summoning him. He threw his glass across the room, then looked at Draco, who was in no better shape.

"We need to hurry, mate. Before it's too late."

Draco simply nodded, then whispered the incantation of the protean charm on his own ring, sending a message to Josie, whom he hoped was safe somewhere with the Order, tending properly to her injuries.

I KNOW it's been a while, but I promise I'm back for good. Hope you enjoyed this short update, and are ready for next week's one!

Gabrielle xx

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