Chapter 4: The Particle Accelerator

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It was finally time to see the particle accelerator turn on. Barry and Iris were talking to each other, Barry trying to convince Iris to start dating him. Honestly, those two should just kiss already. I rolled my eyes at them. Then, Harrison Wells went out on stage . Everyone started cheering and clapping, except the protesters.

'Thank you' he began. 'My name is Harrison Wells. Tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics.' Suddenly, I heard Iris shriek. 'My bag! That has my laptop in it!' I started running after the man. 'Ashlynn, wait!' Barry called after me.

We both started chasing the man until we cornered him in an alley. 'Look' I began. 'I don't wanna hurt you. Just give me the bag and I'll be on my way'. He looked at me for a minute, then he swung the bag at my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I felt blood running down my nose. He must have hit my nose in the get away process.

'Ashlynn!' I heard Barry exclaim. 'Are you alright?' He asked. Barry is very protective over me after that night. 'Yeah' I said breathlessly. 'Hey Barry! I got your guy' I looked up to see who was talking. It was the new detective at CCPD who Iris and I named 'Detective Pretty Boy'. 'Thanks' said Barry, who didn't sound very pleased.

After that, we headed back to the CCPD. I had gotten a tissue for my bloodied nose. I was up in Barry's lab with Barry whilst Joe was out looking at the farms that Mardon could be hiding at. Iris had offered to take me home but I declined, as I loved moments where me and Barry were alone in the lab. I was watching the news on the small tv Barry has in the lab whilst Barry was sticking pictures onto his board. It was a board filled with documents and pictures of that night. Barry was determined to find the real killer. It was a very stormy night. Suddenly, the news changed.

'Breaking news. The particle accelerator that has been on for the past 45 minutes has become unstable. People are advised to evacuated the area'. 'Barry' I said nervously. Suddenly, there was a bang. A huge ring of energy was headed towards us. 'Barry!' I said more urgently. I was scared now. 'Ash. Grab that chain there and pull it to close the skyline'. We both grabbed a chain and started pulling. Then lightning struck and we both flew back. I heard a crash, then everything went dark.

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