Chapter 16: Well, This is a Tricky Meta

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Caitlin seemed to zone out for a bit after Dr Wells suggested we use the particle accelerator as a makeshift prison. I called her name a few times. "Caitlin?" I say, and she snaps out of her haze. "Caitlin, we're going down to the accelerator ring" Cisco said softly. "Actually, I could use Caitlin's help identifying the toxic gas." Barry said. "I'll come to." I say to her gently. "Fine. Cisco, come with me." Wells said as he wheeled out of the cortex. "See you later" Cisco said, following Wells."You okay?" I ask Caitlin. she nodded her head.

The three of us headed into the CCPD. "Welcome to the CCPD!" I say, a bit too enthusiastically. "So this is your day job Barry" Caitlin said. "And basically my home away from home that's not S.T.A.R Labs" I interject. "Seriously, I've been coming here with Joe and Barry for as long as I can remember." I said. Just then, a criminal in handcuffs walked past us. "I'm gonna rip out your hearts and eat them for breakfast" he said. "Delightful" Caitlin remarked. "Eh, you get used to it" I say, shrugging. Just then, a female cop came by. "Lab rat, I need prints off this gun pronto." She said before bustling off. Barry sighed.

"Allen!" I heard the voice that could only belong to one man; Captain Singh. "Oh, hello Miss Allen" he says to me. "Hi Captain" I reply politely. Then, Singh turns back to his normal tone and faces Barry. "Where is the fiber analysis on the Orloff case?" he asks. "Upstairs" Barry says. "It's all finished. I can run up and bring it down." he adds. "With you, that could be three days from now." Singh said. " You've got a point sir" I muttered quietly which earned me a stare from Barry. Barry then ran up the stairs and Singh, Caitlin and I walked up behind him. "Who are you?" Singh asked Caitlin. "I'm Barry and Ashlynn's personal physician" Caitlin replied. When we reached Barry's lab, he stood in front of the doorway, the report in his hand. Papers were scattered across the ground everywhere. "Here you go sir." Barry said. Singh scowled at him. "Clean up your lab Allen, it's a mess. See you later Miss Allen." he said before leaving the lab. "That was a close one Barry" I said before helping Barry clean his lab up.

We were all waiting for the test  results to finish processing. I decided to ask Caitlin a question that had been on my mind for a while. "Caitlin, can I ask you a question that you don't have to answer if you don't want to?" "My least favourite type of question. Shoot." She says. " What was Ronnie like?" I asked. She took a deep breath.

"We met whilst we were working on the particle accelerator. He was the structural engineer, though he used to joke that he was just an over-priced plumber" she said with a small laugh. "We were very different. You may have noticed that I am a bit.... guarded. Ronnie knew how to make me laugh. He used to say we were like fire and ice. He wasn't supposed to be there that night. He was just there for me. He hadn't..." She was cut off by the sound of beeping. "Looks like the evidence is finished processing" I say. 

Caitlin grabs the results. "It says that there was no residue of gas in the gas, poison or otherwise." Barry got up looking confused. "Must've evapourated" he said. "We'll need to get a fresh sample." "This can't be right, it says that there are two distinctive strands of DNA inside the tissue." Caitlin says. "How is that possible?" I say. "I don't know says Barry. We start going through the data base at CCPD to see if we can match the DNA we found in the tissue. "I can't match it to anything" Barry says. "I don't understand. Why would a chemical attack leave behind another person's DNA inside the victim?" Caitlin asked. Then I had a breakthrough.

"Guys, what if the meta-human we're looking for doesn't control gas. What if he becomes it?" I say. "Ash, I think you're on to something." Barry says. Just then, a voice came on over the radio. "Attention all units, there has been another gas attack at Central City shopping mall." Barry and I got up and headed to the locker where our suits were located. "Guys, don't" Caitlin says. "We don't know enough about what we're facing yet. It's not safe" she says, stopping Barry and I. "Caitlin, we have to go" says Barry before we speed off.

We eventually arrive at the mall. I can hear Cisco talking in my ear. "Guys, the gas attack was at the elevator in the North Wing" he says. "Which one's that?" Barry asks. "The one with the Big Belly Burger." I say. What? I shop. When we get there, we see that we are too late. The woman is already dead. Barry looks over to the side then speeds off. I follow after him. We end up in a small hallway. "Why did you kill that woman?" Barry yelled. "She deserved to die." The meta said calmly. "Now go run away, I still have one more name on my list. Don't make me add you and you're little girlfriend to it." he says. "I'm not his girlfriend!" I shriek, appalled. Barry gives me a glance. "Not relevant" I mutter. 

Barry then ran up to the guy and punched him, but his hand went straight through him. Barry and I stared at each other in shock. The meta then proceeded to repeatedly punch Barry. How the hell is that possible? I then go in and try to punch him from behind, and yet again he turned into gas. We turned around, and the meta was a huge cloud of green gas."Don't breathe it in!" I say to Barry before covering my mouth and nose. But it was to late. The gas had gone into Barry's lungs. He fell to the ground, choking and spluttering, gasping for air. The meta had gone, so I was safe. I rushed over to Barry. "Barry! Keep breathing okay. We'll get you to S.T.A.R. Labs okay?" I say very quickly. I grabbed his collar and raced over to S.T.A.R. Labs as fast as I could go. I heard Cisco and Wells talking to me but I just focused on getting Barry back to safety.

We had finally reached S.T.A.R. Labs, and I placed Barry down. "I..........Can't..........Breathe" Barry chokes out before having a coughing fit. "Cisco, get the crash car!" Wells yelled as I tried to comfort Barry. When Cisco came back, we lifted him onto the bed and I opened his shirt so he could breath easier. Caitlin rushed over to him. "What happened?" "He brought us a fresh sample Caitlin. You need to do a pulmonary biopsy stat." Wells said. "I can't give you any anesthetic, you're  metabolism will burn straight through it" Caitlin said. "I heal quick, remember." Barry said through gasps. "This is going to hurt, a lot" Caitlin said. "It's a small needle, you probably won't even feel it." I said. "You're definitely going to feel it." Caitlin muttered before sticking the needle into his chest. Barry gasped in pain before passing out.

Hey Guys! I'm back! I finally finished all my exams so I can start writing again! Thanks for being so patient and for even reading this story. I really appreciate it. Also, if anyone can do story covers, please contact me as I would love to update the existing cover. Thanks again for reading! -Cherry

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