Chapter 15: New Week, New Meta

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"Regular movie scale, that was about a 7, zombie movie scale, that was about a 4, tops" I said as Barry, Iris and I walked out of the cinema. "There's a zombie movie scale?" Iris asked. "Yeah. Did you know that zombies exist in nature? There's this species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that release spores, which in turn infect new hosts, I'm going full nerd again aren't I." Barry said. "Yes, you are" Iris laughed. "It's okay though, you are still the cutest nerd I know" Iris said. "Aww, aren't you two just the sweetest" I said jokingly.

"Anyways, I am much more interested in the amazing as of late" Iris said. "Because of the Streaks?" I ask. "Look guys, they're out there, people are talking about them." Iris said. "How do you know that it's not just a hoax?" Barry asked. "Guys, you know that I get really into this stuff. I know it's real. Someone even got a picture. Look, tell me what you see." A picture of Eddie Thawne comes up on Iris's phone. " I can see your boyfriend calling you" Barry says bluntly. "Wait, you're dating Eddie and you didn't tell me! Iris!" I exclaim. "I'd better take this, I'm staying at his place tonight' Iris said, ignoring my question entirely. "Hey Babe" Iris says into her phone. "You knew about this?" I asked Barry. He nodded his head. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Didn't seem relevant"

Before I could start an argument our phones rang. "Hey Cisco" I said. "Guys, we have a code 237 on Wade Boulevard." Cisco says. "Public indecency?' Barry says. "I think I meant a 239" "Dog leash violation?" Barry says, getting more confused. "Bad man, with a gun. GO!" I hear Caitlin say. Barry and I sorted in out in less than a minute and got back just in time for Iris to finish her phone call. "Eddie says Hi." Iris says. "That's nice of him. Hey can we get something to eat? I'm a little... famished." Barry says. I nod my head in agreement. "After the Mongolian barbecue you had before the movie and the extra large popcorn you had at the movie? How are you two not fat?" Iris asks. "We've been... Jogging" I say as we head of to get some pizza.

The next day I headed to the CCPD with Barry and Joe as I had nothing better to do. Some cop was boasting about his amazing capture the night before, the one Barry and I had caught. "You know that was actually Barry and I, right?" I said to Joe. he just laughed at me. We headed up to Barry's lab and I sat down on Barry's comfy swivel chair. "Hey! That's my seat!" Barry said. "Should of moved faster" I said before Joe and I started laughing.

Joe then placed down a huge box onto the desk. "The evidence from Mom's murder" Barry said. "I had it brought up from storage" Joe said. "We've been through this a thousand times" I said. "Before all this happened, I thought it was just some scared little kid making up a story to protect his father. Now that I know it's true, we are going to go through every single piece of evidence until we can find something." Joe said. " It took the jury 52 minutes to come back with the verdict of guilty." Barry said. "They moved too fast, which is why we gotta take our time." Joe replied.

Just then, Eddie came into the lab. "Hey Ash!" He said to me. I nodded back to him. "Joe, Barry, we got multiple homicides. You know the  Darbinyan crime family?" Eddie continued. "Sorry Ash" Joe said to me as he and Barry were leaving. "Don't worry, I'll just go and watch a movie with Cisco" I said. When Barry and Joe left, I rushed out of the CCPD, grabbed some popcorn and a movie and headed to S.T.A.R Labs. Just as I had expected,Cisco was tinkering with something in his workshop. "I got popcorn, movies and a free afternoon. Let's do this." I say Cisco stopped what he was doing and joined me. "You know me so well" he said to me as we headed to the cortex.

We were about half way through the movie when Barry and Joe came into the cortex. "Why do my movies always get disrupted" I quietly muttered to Cisco. I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on. All I heard was that there was a new meta-human on the loose who could supposedly control poison gas. Poor Joe, he didn't have a clue about what was going on. "They get excited about this sort of thing" Barry said to him. "The only I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars" Joe replies. "Iron Heights can't hold these meta-humans" Barry said. "You're lucky all the others have wound u dead" said Dr. Wells. "Unless you're planning to execute every meta you come across, you geniuses need to think of a place to put them" Joe said. "A meta-human prison." I said. "Sweet" Cisco said. "There is a place we could put them here"Cisco said. "You can't be serious. I mean, we haven't been down there since the...." Caitlin trails off. "It's cornered off anyways" she says. " What is?" I ask. " The particle accelerator" Wells replies.

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