•15• Changed

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"Guys, I don't think I can go back to the Moon Dorms tonight."

I would like if you guys would comment Your and Zero's ship name. Mine is Fero. Or Zaith. hi.

low key cringe.


"What?" Thom lifts his head off my stomach and looks at me. "Why?" I inwardly groaned, thinking of the conversation we were about to have. I loved Thom but sometimes he was so overprotective.

"I can't be in the same building as them right now." I looked away from them as I spoke. I wasn't so worried about Lola's opinion on this as such. I knew even if she disagreed with a decision I made, she'd politely tell me so. But she would try her best not to impose on me. Thom on the other hand, would outright rebel against a decision he disagreed with. I know he does it to protect me, but still, it isn't nice to be treated like a child by your best friend.

"Where are you planning on staying then?" Lola asked, clearly annoyed.

"Zero said I could stay with him tonight.." I murmured. Lola didn't seem to mind Zero, but I knew that Thom didn't like him at all. Again, his protective side coming through.

"And you expect us to let that happen?" Thom snorted. "We barely know the guy-" I rolled my eyes, turning to look at him.

"You barely know the guy," I interrupted. "I know him pretty well actually." I hated this. I felt like a child.

"How?" Thom argued. "We've been here for like a month." I stared at the floor silently for a moment. My entire life, regardless of how young I am, I have always been told to act older than I am. Like an adult. I had to, with the responsibility of a pack resting on my shoulders. But Thom has always managed to make me feel so juvenile.

"Well?" Thom urged. I huffed out a breath of air.

"I may have drank his blood.."

Both Lola and Thom sprung to their feet, growling out a 'What?!'

"We told you to come to us if you needed blood!" Lola yelled.

"This is totally out of character for you!" Thom sounded like a father reprimanding his child. "You never drank anyone's blood who wasn't part of the pack." I clenched my hands, along with my jaw.

"Did he drink yours too?" Lola took my silence as a 'yes'.

"_____, you're a Pureblood!" Lola shrieked. "You can't just go giving your blood to every vampire you see!" By now, I had enough.

"Are you guys finished now?!" I sprung to my feet and stared at Lola. My wolf form was bigger than hers. I watched as her ears folded against her head and she pointed her snout to the ground.

"Listen, I get it okay?" I turned to look at Thom. He seemed more angry than anything. "You're my friends, you worry about me, I get it. But you will not. Ever. Think you can tell me what to do. I've had enough of that today."

Thom stared me down, unmoving for a good minute or two before I watched him step towards me and place his forehead against mine.

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