Chapter Three

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Lizzie's POV:

"Lizzie! Pst Liz! I know you can hear me!" A piece of crumpled up parchment hit the back of my head. I whipped my head around to see who had the guts to do it. Of course, it was none other than Pansy Parkinson.

'What?' I mouthed back angrily. The middle of Defense Against the Dark Arts was not a place where I wanted to be talking. Umbridge had given some poor Gryffindor detention just for shutting her book too loudly a few weeks ago.

"Look at the paper!" she squeaked. I frowned at her, but picked up the ball of paper she had tossed at me.

Halloween costume party

common room


Halloween wasn't until next week, but the Slytherin house would use any excuse to party. I would be surprised if this was our only Halloween party.

I scowled at Pansy and mouthed 'Later'.

"Miss Samuels, face the front if you would," Professor Umbridge piped from her desk.

"Yes, Professor Umbridge," I drawled back.

Umbridge was one of those women who wouldn't accept anything except for the right addressment of superiors. She had taught us in one of her first classes what would happen if we didn't refer to her as 'Professor Umbridge' whenever we spoke to or of her.

Harry Potter had gotten a detention for telling Umbridge that Voldemort was back in the first week of school. He just sort of lost control when he told her, shouting about how we should learn to defend ourselves. I overheard Hermione Granger and Harry talking about it. Umbridge had carved words into the back of Harry's hand by what I heard. I didn't desire anything such as that, so I followed all of Umbridge's rules, no matter how ridiculous.

My mind went back to the party. How is a costume party going to work? I doubt any student had packed a costume specifically for Halloween parties. I guess normal clothes could always be transfigured into something costume-like.

Right when I had begun to try and decide what my costume would be, the class was dismissed.

"Remember class! One foot summary essay over what you read due Monday!" Professor Umbridge shouted over the hustle of students rushing out of her warpath.

Since Defense Against the Dark Arts is my first class of the day, I had to sit through several other classes before the day was over.

At dinner, I searched the overcrowded Slytherin table for Draco. He was sitting at the end with Blaise Zabini and Gregory Goyle.

"Hey Draco," I greeted the blonde, sitting down at the wooden table I had come to love.

"Hey Liz. Did you hear about the party later?"

"Yeah, I did. Didn't you hear Umbridge yell at me today in Defense Against the Dark Arts? Pansy just couldn't wait to tell me," I asked him as I placed my food on my plate. Turkey breast on thick cut wheat bread.

"That's what that was about?" Blaise chimed in from the other side of Draco.

"You betcha," I affirmed.

"What are you going as?" Draco asked cutting into his steak. One of his favorite foods happen to be steak. I guess it is one of those 'elegant' foods for purebloods. I was never a fan of it.

"I'm not sure. What about you?"

"I was thinking of going as a vampire," he smirked.

"Oh, that's so boring, Draco," I whined to him. There is always a group of people who dress up as vampires. It's so cliche.

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