Chapter Five

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Lizzie's POV:

I woke up the next day to one of the worst headaches I had ever experienced. The lights seemed to shoot right through my eyes and into my nerves, starting them on fire. My temples throbbed terribly.

"Bloody hell," I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my neck. It was then then I realized that my memory of last night was extremely limited. The only thing I knew for sure happened, was the party. I didn't remember much of what happened during it.

I looked around my dormitory through squinted eyes to see who was still in bed. Astoria and Millicent were still under their duvets. Pansy's bed was neatly made and she was nowhere in the room to be seen. I got dressed rapidly and headed down to the common room to assess the damage of last nights party.

Someone had reassembled the common room into its normal set up and had vanished all of the trash and decorations. Other than the miserable looks on the faces of the students, you wouldn't be able to tell there had been a party at all.

My eyes scanned the room to see who was up already. I saw Theodore Nott on a chair in the corner, hanging upside down; a sixth year holding a pillow over their face; Gregory Goyle sprawled out face down in front of the mantle; and Draco sitting elegantly behind him on the sofa. I began to make my way to Draco, but his eyes found me. His face darkened and he shook his head ever so slightly.

"Oh, so the mudblood decided to wake up, yeah?" a familiar voice chimed from the corner by Theo. I looked around to find Pansy's victim and warn them to leave before anything started, only to find everyone in the common room staring at me. My eyes widened and I looked to Pansy.

They couldn't have found out, could they? Nobody except for Gray and I assume Professor Dumbledore know. I don't think Gray would go around talking to Slytherin's though, and he doesn't even go to Hogwarts anymore. And I know Dumbledore for sure wouldn't share that information with just anyone. Then how do they know?

"Yes, I'm talking to you, Samuels," Pansy sneered.

"Pansy, knock it off," I told her sternly, aware of all the attention she was drawing to me.

"Don't talk to me like that!" she shouted, making me jump. "Awww ickle mudblood scared of a big ol' pureblood, yeah? Well, you should be. I'd watch my back if I were you, Samuels. I don't take well to lies."

"I finally got the last knife of the set you've been stabbing in my back all these years. Heads up: I regift." I clenched my jaw and marched out of the common room, barely glancing at Draco as I walked by.

There was a reason I didn't go around the house and share that I was muggleborn, and this was exactly why. One of my best friends had harassed me in the middle of the common room and called me a mudblood, while the other just sat by and watched. I can't believe Draco didn't defend me! We have been best friends for five years. Does that suddenly mean nothing to him now that he knows I'm not a pureblood?

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, stomped my foot, and screeched. God damnit, Draco!

"Ms. Samuels, please refrain from making infernal noises like that in the middle of the hallway." Professor McGonagall appeared from around the corner with a stern look set on her face.

"Sorry Professor, bad morning," I grumbled in response. Her face softened considerably.

"Would you care to talk about it?" she asked kindly. This made me a bit more angry. Her and her stupid Gryffindor ways. I don't want to talk about it, I just want to punch something. Or someone.

"No, thank you, Professor. I just-" I stopped looking at my surroundings. I realized that I had no idea where in the castle I was. I'm a fifth year and I can still get lost; that's got to tell you something about this school. "How do you get to the library from here?" I asked her politely.

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