Chapter Six

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Lizzie's POV:

"You just don't learn, do you?" I asked Pansy, pulling out my wand. "Melofors." Pansy, who had been teasing me once again on my parentage, had been subjected to what was probably going to be one of my favorite jinxes. Her angry face disappeared as her head was encased in a pumpkin. "Maybe this will get it through your thick skull, Pansy. Don't call me a mudblood."

Over the last week and a half, I had been taunted by several Slytherins, including Pansy, Greg, Vincent, Theo, and Blaise. None of them seemed to be noticing that they were the ones turning out worse throughout all of this. I had given Blaise antlers after double Potions four days ago, turned Theo into a beatle in the common room that day as well, inflated Greg like a balloon two days ago before breakfast, and turned Pansy into a duck yesterday. I was surprised that I hadn't been approached by a professor about my spells yet. I think people were just too busy laughing at my victims to spill the beans.

Today as I was descending the stairs between History of Magic class and Herbology, Pansy had stopped me and asked me if my food tastes muddy because of my muddy blood. Not all that creative of an insult if you ask me. So I had trapped her head in a pumpkin.

Her hands flew to her now orange head and I could hear her muffled cries. The Gryffindors that had been behind me on the stairs were laughing so hard they almost fell over. A first year Hufflepuff that had been standing nearby grabbed Pansy's arm and shot me a glare before leading Pansy to what I assume would be the hospital wing.

One of the Gryffindors behind me called out to me as I began to descend the stairs once again.

"Hey, Lizzie, right?" he called. I turned to face him.

"You are correct," I told him matter-of-factly.

"I'm Ron Weasley, that was really cool what you did there. Where'd you find that jinx?" he asked me.

"Jinxes for the Jinxed."

"Thanks," he grinned. I turned and walked down the stairs

"Wait!" his friend called to me.

"What?" I asked, spinning around. "You're going to make me late for Herbology."

"Aren't you friends with Malfoy? Why don't I see you two together any more?" he asked.

"Seamus, right?" I questioned. He nodded in reply. "If you don't want to end up like Pansy, don't talk about Draco to me," I threatened him, spinning around and walking to Herbology without any more interference.

Herbology flew by in the blink of an eye. We were clipping leaves from assorted plants to use in Potions. While everyone else worked in pairs, I worked by myself. I was wrestling with the Venomous Tentacula plant when Harry Potter approached me.

"Hello," he began.

"Hi," I grunted in reply. The Tentacula was a difficult plant to work with.

"Er- my name is-"

"I might look dumb but everyone knows your name, Harry," I told him, finally managing to clip a leaf.

"Right... er... Well, Ron told me about what happened with Pansy, and-"

"If you're going to make fun of me, you'll end up worse than Pansy. I don't care if you're the bloody Boy Who Lived," I said, setting my shears down and reaching for my wand.

"No! I uh- I wanted to know if you knew any other jinxes like that," he said speedily, holding his hands in the air.

"Of course I do. I need some variety in my life, now don't I?" I put my hands on my hips and rose my eyebrows.

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