Chapter Four

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Draco's POV:

I spotted Lizzie and Pansy as soon as they entered the common room. Pansy was kind of hard to miss in her costume. And of course I could never miss Lizzie in a room.

Liz looked wonderful in her costume this year. She had quite obviously borrowed the dress from Pansy, for I knew Liz would never buy a dress so revealing. Not that I'm complaining. The dress was white and silver and there was a halo floating above her head. Pansy was dressed as a cat in her slinky black outfit.

I asked Lizzie and Pansy to dance, because everyone knew that dancing was the best part of Slytherin parties. When we dance, we don't shyly shake our hips back and forth, we bounce and throw our heads around like there's no tomorrow. Everyone gets sweaty fast but no one cares.

"Do The Hippogriff" began to play, and Lizzie, Pansy, Blaise, and I started to jump with our arms in the air. Our bodies bumped against each other as sweat quickly began to form at the base of my neck. Lizzie's eyes were shut and her arms were raised high above her head. She jumped up and down beside me.

Pansy and Blaise danced very close to each other, their bodies rubbing together.

Several songs later, after I had shed my jacket, Lizzie suggested that we go get drinks. We all hastily agreed. We shoved our way through the crowd of dancing Slytherin's to the table on the far side of the room which held the drinks. Blaise and Lizzie downed two cups before I had even taken a sip of mine. As soon as the cool liquid slipped into my mouth, I knew it had Firewhiskey in it.

"Hey, who got these drinks?" I coughed.

"I did mate, why?" Blaise smiled while Lizzie drank another cup.

"There's Firewhiskey in this," I stated more to Lizzie than anyone else.

"Of course there is, it's not a Slytherin party without some alcohol, now is it?" Blaise slurred.

Already the spiked drink was taking effect on Lizzie and Blaise. Lizzie's shoulders had relaxed and her eyes became slightly unfocused. She reached for another cup but I caught her hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't drink too much at once or you'll get alcohol poisoning," I warned her.

"Oh, calm down Draco, I'll be fine," she drawled.

"He's right, Liz, you're gonna have a massive headache when you wake up. You too, Blaise," Pansy shouted over the music.

"Headache, psh, who cares about headaches?" Blaise laughed.

"See? This guy knows how to party!" Lizzie said, clinking her cup against Blaise's.

"Alright, enough of that," I said, taking the cup from Lizzie. "Let's go dance some more." She smiled and grabbed my hand leading me towards the dance floor.

"Wait!" Blaise said suddenly. "We should play truth or dare!"

Lizzie gasped loudly and dropped my hand. "Yes!" she shouted.

"Alright, if it keeps you from drinking any more," I agreed. Lizzie grabbed mine and Pansy's hands and led us to a corner with a sofa. She plopped down and pulled me down beside her. Pansy sat on the other side of me, and Blaise sat on the floor in front of us.

"Who first?" Pansy asked.

"Blaise, since it was his idea," I said.

"Okay, Pansy, truth or dare?" Blaise asked.


"Aww come on, Pans, seriously?" Lizzie protested.

"If you could kiss anyone in this room, who would it be?" Blaise asked. Pansy's eyes flicked to me for a second, but she then scan the room.

"Well Theo doesn't look to bad in his pirate costume," Pansy said after a moment's consideration. I scoffed out loud at this.

"Theodore Nott?" Lizzie questioned.

"Yeah, I mean look at his biceps," she crooned.

"Alright, Pansy your turn," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Lizzie, truth or dare?" she asked the other girl.

"Dare," Lizzie returned.

"Go drink another cup of Firewhiskey."

"Okay." Liz got up and was back with a cup before I could even protest. She swallowed it all.

"Lizzie!" I shouted.

"What?" she asked, pretending to be innocent. I only sighed in return.

"Draco, truth or dare?" she asked me.

"Truth, I'm not about to take a dare from you drunk."

"Hmmm. If you could have sex with either Pansy or me, who would you choose?" she smirked at me. I froze.

"Ooo, good one, Liz," Blaise laughed.

Have sex with Pansy or Lizzie? I mean the answer is obvious but I'm not about to admit that to her.

"Neither of you, because you're my best friends," I said, feeling the blush rise into my cheeks.

"Aww, you're no fun," Lizzie pouted.

"Your turn, D," Blaise said.

"Blaise, truth or dare?" I asked him, desperate to change the subject.

"Dare," he replied gallantly.

"Kiss Pansy," I said easily. They're going to hook up tonight anyway, so I'm just pushing them in the right direction.

Blaise smiled and leaned over to place a sloppy kiss on Pansy's lips.

"There," he smirked. "Lizzie, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" she said excitedly.

"What's your deepest, darkest secret?" This perked my attention. Lizzie and I had shared many secrets before, but we had never talked about our biggest secrets.

She placed her hand on her chin to tell us she was thinking and furrowed her eyebrows.

What could her secret possibly be, though? She broke her mum's favorite vase when she was nine? No, that was me. She steals money from her brother? No, that's not a secret.

"I'm a muggleborn," she said finally, dropping her hand from her chin.

"What?!" Blaise, Pansy, and I all said at once. Our jaws were practically on the ground from the shock of Lizzie's reveal.

"My mum and dad are muggles," she nodded.

"And you've kept that from us for five years why?" Blaise asked. Anyone could tell that Blaise, Pansy, and I were getting angry. Pansy's natural flirty expression had changed to one consisting of a crinkled nose and pursed lips, and Blaise's lip was beginning to curl.

"Because I know you guys don't like muggleborns." She shrugged as if this wasn't a big deal at all.

"And for good reason," Pansy sneered. "I can't believe you would lie to me like that."

"Well, I wasn't lying, just withholding the truth," she snapped back. She was slowly coming to realize her mistake; I could see it in her eyes, they were beginning to sober up, while our anger with her grew.

"I can't believe you're a- a- a mudblood," I spit at her, angry of her deception.

"Don't call me that, Draco," she said, flinching at the word.

"He's right. You're a mudblood," Blaise said through his teeth.

"Please, don't use that word," Lizzie begged us, tears forming in her eyes.

"Mudblood, mudblood, mudblood," Pansy taunted her. "Why don't you go to your mudblood room and cry your-mudblood-self to sleep." Lizzie's chin quivered slightly before she got up and dashed away.

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