Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's POV:

I placed my hand on the heavy door and pushed; it opened with ease, creaking slightly.

The air seemed terse with static. I wondered if it was a magical kind of static or just part of my imagination. You never know here at Hogwarts.

The sound of my footsteps bounced off the walls as I walked along the length of the room to Lizzie's bed. She was lying there in her white button through shirt, no one had bothered to change her into more comfortable clothes. Someone had removed her green and silver tie and neatly folded it on her bedside table beside a glass of water. A white, cotton blanket was drawn up to her mid-chest and her arms rested gently at her sides. Her face was relaxed, as if she were only asleep. Which I guess she was, in some way. She seemed paler than usual, the natural pink blush to her cheeks long gone. Her eyelids were gently shut, her eyelashes curving away from her face. Her lips were a shade lighter than what I was used to seeing and they were parted just enough to permit air in and out. Auburn hair flowed from her scalp. Someone had brushed it away from her face and chest so it was lying behind her shoulders. The sunlight sat goldenly on her face, lighting her up. All in all, Lizzie looked beyond stunning lying there in the hospital wing.

I sat down in the wooden chair, sheepishly. I hadn't yet been in to visit Lizzie, and I felt guilty. I had been caught up with Umbridge and the D.A.

"H-hey, Lizzie," I began, "I'm sorry I haven't been to visit you yet."

I looked almost expectantly at her, wishing she would open her eyes and tell me it was alright; that she understood. I folded my hands together, leaned forward to rest my elbows on my knees, and bounced my leg anxiously. A few black curls fell in front of my face and moved almost in rhythm with my bouncing leg.

"Uh- well, I guess I should fill you in on the D.A. It's going positively brilliant, actually. I just taught them how to cast a strong Protego. Everyone caught on brilliantly. Neville, of course, needed a little extra help, but eventually he got it down," I laughed, thinking back to how Neville had almost broke a few odd vases and mirrors in the Room of Requirement. "Hermione thinks we should start teaching more offensive spells. She says we're doing well with the the defensive, but it won't stop anyone from attacking us, just delay them. I guess I agree with her. We're thinking of teaching the binding spell and blasting curse next."

I watched the steady rise and fall of her chest for a few moments, thinking about what to say. Her breathing was slow and measured.

"I'd been hoping that you would wake up before Snape finished the antidote, but now I guess I'm starting to understand that won't happen. I've gone on to hoping that you will wake up and jump right back into your old shoes, like nothing happened, but I'm not so sure that will happen either. I mean, how will you feel once you wake up? Will you go back to being friends with Draco? Will you still want to be friends with me? What if the poison wiped your memory and you don't even remember me when you wake up?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I hadn't shared my worries with anyone and saying it all out loud like this scared me, like maybe saying it would make it more probable. I shook my head of such a ridiculous thought.

The hospital wing was once more plunged into silence as I watched the girl in front of me. She looked so peaceful but I doubted she felt that way inside.

"Did anyone tell you they found out who did it?" I whispered. "Since McGonagall knows we're friends, she told me the day after you were poisoned that she figured it out. She had gone down to the kitchens and spoke with the house elves. Apparently someone threatened one of them with magic to put the poison in the sherry tart. And you'll never guess who it was." I took a small pause for some dramatic effect. "It was Pansy Parkinson. She doesn't know that anyone knows it was her, though. McGonagall hasn't done anything about it yet; she's too preoccupied with Umbridge.

"Speaking of, I guess you'll want to be filled in on her. Well, I'll tell you this: it's hell. It absolutely is." I didn't even want to talk about the horrible witch. "I suspect someone will fill you in more thoroughly since you wake up, and I really don't feel like talking about her at the moment. I hope you understand."

I studied Lizzie for any sign of movement at all, praying for a twitch of a finger, a flutter of an eyelid. I just wanted to know that she heard me.

"I really miss you, you know. Hermione and Ron wanted to come see you too, but I told them I wanted to come alone. This just didn't seem like something I wanted to share with them. So I guess they miss you too.

"McGonagall says that the antidote should be done tomorrow though. Then, I'll be able to see you smile again," I said, smiling myself. "I'll be here when the administer it. I want to see you as soon as I can."

I continued to smile at Liz.

"It's almost curfew," I sighed, looking at my watch. "I have to leave if I want to make it back to the common room before Umbridge starts handing out detentions like sweets. I miss you and I'll see you soon."

I stood up and squeezed Liz's hand, my gaze lingering on her a second longer before turning and walking briskly from the cool room.

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