Chapter Twenty-Two

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Lizzie's POV:

I stood in front of the full body mirror that hung on the wall of my bathroom and admired the reflection of myself that I saw. My hair was done back in a dainty bun at the base of my neck while a few curls hung down to frame my face. The makeup that I had applied was thin and classic.

It was my dress that was the center of attention, my signal of faux dignified elegance. The lustrous, pearl-beaded fabric of my dress glinted, light reflecting from the bathroom's glow. It fit flawlessly, the dress molded my torso beautifully, complimenting my feminine shape. The gown draped past my toes, slightly drifting from my legs. It was the color of a silvery pearl. It's high neck style hid my precious collarbones wrapped in smooth, luring, skin. My posture was perfect, my shoulders were pulled back and my hands were held together in front of me. There was an pearl-embroidered band on the top of my shoulders. The light above was beaming directly on me, and the darker silver design was glittering.

I twirled once more before deciding that I should probably go see if Draco was ready. Slipping my simple, white heels on, I clicked my way across the hall to Draco's room. I could hear voices and music drifting up the stairs already.

"Draco?" I called quietly through the door and rapped my knuckles on it lightly.

"Come on in," he answered from inside. I placed my hand on the cool doorknob and twisted, pushing softly.

Draco's room was more personalized than mine, which makes sense seeing as he is the one who lives here. His bed looked almost identical to the beds at hogwarts, dark, four-poster, green. His walls were mostly bare, save for the few framed photos I got no more than a glance at.

Draco stood in front of a mirror by the writing desk in the corner of his room tying his tie. His white-blonde hair had been swept to the side in the manner that he used to when we were younger. The suit he was wearing was a handsome solid black one that fit him really well.

"You look nice," I commented, walking to his side. His face was drawn into one of concentration with furrowed eyebrows and tight lips.

"You don't look too shabby, either," he smirked as his slender fingers finished the knot. He turned and placed his hands on my hips and licked his lips. "I suppose we should go down if we want to make Mother happy."

"Alright then," I replied. Draco held out his arm and I wrapped mine through, placing my hand on his firm bicep. Together we walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs to the ballroom where the noise was originating. Our shoes clicked noisily, but the music coming from the ballroom covered the sound up easily.

The inside of the ballroom reminded me much of the Great Hall; it was similar in size and shape, and even had the Christmas trees lining the walls like Hogwarts did around the holidays. Lights twinkled from their perches inside of the trees while the ornaments glittered.

A crowd already filled the room, everyone either gripping a champagne glass or dancing gracefully with their partner. The women were wrapped in silks and furs of the finest value and the men wore their best suits and robes. Narcissa and Lucius stood by the door greeting the incoming guests. Narcissa with a slight curtsey and a smile, Lucius with a nod of the head and a handshake.

"Draco, Lizzie, I'm glad you two decided to join us," Narcissa smiled. Lucius looked down his nose at me, but made no comment.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, Mother," Draco returned politely. I nodded in agreement.

"Try not to get into trouble tonight, okay?" the woman urged as she turned to greet the next pair of guests to enter the room. Instead of replying, Draco just led me to the side of the room where he picked up two tall glasses of champagne.

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