Chapter Twenty-Four

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Lizzie's POV:

My eyes opened before Draco's. The sunlight shining in through the window caused me to squint my eyes in attempt to shield them. I had pulled the curtains open the previous day to let some light into the room, and was beginning to regret it. It seemed as if the sun was shining directly into my soul.

Sitting up, I looked around the room at my surroundings. Draco lied beside me with the blanket lying limply around his waist. His right arm was curled up underneath his head as a makeshift pillow; his had fallen off the bed and now rested on the floor. I smiled at him, but wondered what he was doing in my bed.

I watched him sleep peacefully for a moment before I decided to wake him up. His hair was attractively tousled, resting in front of his eyes. The indent that was usually between his brows was nowhere to be found, for all lines of stress and toil were long gone from his face, making him look younger and more peaceful than ever. His chiseled jawline was shadowed from the light shining through the window. I dragged my finger lightly across his jaw and smiled as he shivered from my touch.

Standing up on the bed, I jumped up and down several times, shaking him. He grumbled tiredly, immediately waking up, but pretended to be asleep.

"Draco, I'm awake. Give me attention," I chimed happily. I don't know why, but I was in a very good mood. My breathing rate increased with my jumping, leaving me panting for air.

"Stop it, Liz, I'm tryna sleep," he slurred, rolling over and draping his arm over his ear.

"No, the sky's awake, so I'm awake," I sighed as I threw myself down on the bed beside him, dramatically. I giggled at the thought that Draco wouldn't recognize the line from one of my favorite movies. I'll add it to the list of movies I would have to show to him.

"Stoooooooop," he groaned loudly. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at me with a faux anger. His eyebrows were knitted together and his nose was crinkled.

"C'mon, Draco. Wake up!" I rolled over and threw my arms over him. Squeezing him tightly, I laughed.

"Fine! Merlin, I'm awake," he wheezed.

"Good," I replied as I released him. He gave a great big yawn and stared at me. His face was extraordinarily relaxed.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked me with another yawn.

"Food! I almost forgot!" I cheered, jumping off of the bed and pulling on Draco's hand. "Let's go! I'm hungry." He didn't move an inch.

"Why get up when the house elves can bring it to us," he reasoned.

"House elves!" I exclaimed in awe. Draco smiled at me.

"Winny," he spoke clearly. I cocked my head at him in question when a loud crack echoed through the room, making me leap a mile.

"Bloody hell!" I screeched. Draco laughed at my surprise and looked to the small house elf that now stood by the foot of the bed. She was no higher than my waist and possessed a large pair of blue eyes.

"Winny," Draco repeated, "breakfast please." The elf nodded and disapparated without a word. Though I was expecting it, the second noise of her disapparation still made me jump.

"Why do the Goddamned elves have to apparate inside the bloody house?" I grumbled.

"You're such a pansy sometimes, Liz," Draco grinned.

"Pansy? I'll show you pansy," I smirked. Picking up the pillow beside Draco, I whacked him with it.

"Oi!" he shouted, his hair now standing on end. "I'll get you for that." He jumped up from his place on the bed and took the pillow from me. As he swung it at me, I ducked out of the way and leaped over the bed to get the other pillow. I grabbed it and looked to Draco.

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