Chapter 2

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"Ugh..," I muttered, waking up the next day in the afternoon with a sore leg, since I was practicing all day as I fell out of my bed, and on my face as I winced, with my phone buzzing. I picked it up, looking up at my ceiling as I saw it was, Guang-Hong...

Should I just act like I forgot what happened? I thought in my mind as I watched the phone stop ringing as I sighed, nodding my head in agreement, stumbling on my feet to the kitchen to eat breakfast, as I put my earbuds in my ear, listening to music.

The thing was, I was not at all drunk. I was trying to confess to him. He took it as if I was drunk, so I went with it. When he told me what he told me, I had no idea how to respond, because I was madly in love with him.

But I guess I need to pretend that I was drunk during that time...

I decided to call him as I picked up my phone, dialing his number as he answered in a heartbeat. "H-Hey! Leo, how's America?" He asked as he stuttered, causing a blush to spread across my face as I just let out a laugh.

"Good...good..," I said as I winced. "I have a killer headache, though. I remember nothing that happened," I said as I knew how to act like I was drunk. Especially after seeing Viktor naked at a hot pot restaurant clinging onto Yuri.

"Oh," I heard him say in disappointment as I clenched my free hand, balling it into a fist, unsure of what I should do at this point.

"Yeah, sorry," I said, knowing that I was an idiot for doing this, but I needed to be safe. "Did something happen?"

"Oh, nothing, really! Sorry if I worried you, it's just kinda isolated in China. Oh! I met Jackie Chan yesterday," he said as I gasped.

"No way!" I exclaimed as Guang-Hong giggled in glee, causing my heart to beat fast.

"Yes way! He was so awesome, and he said he admired my skating! I didn't know what to say, so I fainted!" Guang-Hong exclaimed as I broke into laughter.

"That's crazy," I said, knowing that Guang-Hong was indeed fragile, considering the small figure he had, and being easily flustered. Which made me love him even more in that manner. "Did you get an autograph?" I asked him.

"Of course I did! I needed something memorable about it besides a load of pictures! By the way, how's your music going?" He asked as I shrugged, looking at the guitar sitting next to me, photos with countless celebrities hung on my celebrity wall.

"Great. Haha, I have loads of covers. I love music more than I love real people. If music was a person, I'd marry him," I said as Guang-Hong fell silent as I laughed.

"W-Wait, are you..," Guang-Hong trailed off as I nodded.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked him as he began to stammer.

"Uh...y-yeah, I thought Phichit may have told you," Guang-Hong said.

"Oh. That's great, then," I said as there was an awkward silence on a phone. An awkward silence that I could not stand. The only reason I was holding this whole thing off, was because I wanted to have the time to tell him in person. "Hey! I'm going to China in a few days, so I'll be staying at your place," I said.

"That's great! I kind of did need some company, since you were complaining about being lonely yesterday," Guang-Hong said as I laughed.

"Was I?" I asked as my phone began to vibrate in my hand. "I gotta go, someone's calling me, love you."

"Wh-What did you just say?" Guang-Hong asked as I completely ignored the call I was getting, muting it.

Shit! I was stuck! I thought in my mind. "Oops, sorry I let something slip. I gotta go, goodbye!" I said and hung up quickly, as the phone call I got from was to be Phichit, which I quickly answered. "Phichit you gotta help me," I said.

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