Chapter 5: Guang-Hong B-Day Special

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Guang-Hong's POV

I was sitting in my room, living off of takeout or food being delivered in my house, letting Seung-Gil Lee and Phichit in my house occasionally when they visit. Viktor and Yuri were going to my house today, due to the fact, that it was my birthday.

I was going to go to America just tomorrow. Phichit got me a cake with the SNS logo frosted onto it, along with the latest selfie stick as a present. Seung-Gil Lee got me a new pair of skates, which I found to be nice since they were expensive to buy.

Yuri bought me a small keychain from Japan that was meant for good luck, and Viktor got me this huge, poster of him with his autograph, and a free pass to the ice skating rink in Russia.

Even though I got a lot of greetings from the people on SNS, my birthday still felt empty. Of course, I was 18, and turned into an adult by now. Still, Leo was not here, and he was the one person that I wanted to be here more than anything...

I stared blankly off into space, at the half-eaten SNS logo, half-empty bottles of drinks as Viktor was drunk, with Yuri having some sort of restraint on himself. Phichit taking pictures, as Seung-Gil Lee was leaving the party.

"Hey hey hey! I got one more gift that's being delivered! You have to stay for this!" Phichit exclaimed as he forced Seung-Gil Lee to stay, as he sat back down in his emo corner, drinking a can of soda.

Phichit opened the door to find the man rolling a dolly with a huge present on top of it. He delivered that into the house as Phichit signed a clipboard as he continued to push the box towards the middle of the room as I sighed, walking closer to it.

"Phichit, I swear, if it's a dog," I told him as he shook his head, with Phichit laughing.

"Just open it! It seems to be a big present!" Phichit exclaimed as I reluctantly unwrapped the ribbon onto the top, as I began to rip off the green wrapping in anticipation to see a sledge cardboard box, as I opened the lid.

"Ah!" I yelled out, as I saw something pop up, as I crashed onto the ground, with the back of my head falling onto the wall as my eyes were wide, to see, his face, bright and smiling, as he held his arms extended, almost looking like Jesus giving me a warm welcome into heaven.

It was Leo de la Iglesia...

"Leo!" I yelled loudly, knowing that he could not hear me, as I got up, running up to him quickly. He gave me a huge warm embrace, as I began to cry tears of joy, as I hugged him back tightly. Minus the fact, he was still in a box.

I heard the click of Phichit's camera, Yuri's clapping, Viktor's yelling, with Seung-Gil Lee's utter silence. Leo, could not hear any of these things, which made me cry even more than I already have.

I looked up at him who had a half smile on his face, which was enough to make my heart belt, as I was already collapsing with the presence of him already here. He took out his phone and began to type on it, as I noticed that there was little earbuds in his ear. He showed me his phone with a cheeky grin on his face.

I bought earbuds for me to hear, and for me to take the flight. Btw, didn't you say that when we first meet we'll kiss?

I looked back at him with a tiny gasp escaping my lips as he crashed his soft lips against mine excitingly. My eyes were wide as I was beet red as he kissed me on the lips, gently.

I mean, he was a good kisser, but I had no idea what to do at this moment since he was a good kisser. And this is my first kiss! I had no words to describe it. I guess, it was kind of like, chocolate in a way. It was sweet?

I am not good with this stuff all that matters is that he's here and he's kissing me!

We broke apart from the kiss as he gave me a sheepish smile, and wrote down something onto his notepad, showing it to me.

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