Chapter 12 - Final

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Leo's POV

It was another day in life, where I would be working in a studio to help American artists choreograph their music. My ages of skating are over, yet I do still skate with the kids and Guang-Hong in my free time. "Wait, the song's lyrics have a really good, sentimental meaning so far. Keep it that way and make the guitar a little more softer," I said to the young artist.

He began to tune his guitar as he sat on his chair in the recording studio, strumming the guitar to the same melody he had earlier, but much more slowed down. "Like that?" He asked.

"Perfect," I said, grabbing my jacket hanging on top of my chair. "We'll continue tomorrow, I need to pick up the kids," I said, throwing on my coat, as I left the studio.

I got into my car, suddenly getting a call on my phone when I was about to start the engine. It was from Isabella's second grade teacher, which did indeed shock me. "Hello?" I asked on the phone in the most polite tone as possible.

"Hello Mr. De La Iglesia? I am going to need to have a meeting with you and Isabella after school. I hope I'm not bothering you but-"

"Oh, no I just got off of work anyways! Did Isabella do something?" I asked in a tone of worry.

"Well, yes, we'll discuss it over at the meeting, have a good day," her teacher said, quickly hanging up. I let out a long sigh, soon calling Guang-Hong, who immediately answered.

"Leo, Jinhai's teacher called me saying that he got in a fight with some of the kindergarteners and he got badly injured," Guang-Hong said, causing me to gasp loudly.

"What?! I got one from Isabella's teacher, with to be honest I'm not surprised if she did get in a fight, but Jinhai?!" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah I was surprised, too! I'll see you at their school," Guang-Hong said before immediately hanging up.

I began to drive, as when I got to the school, I sat next to my daughter at the teacher's desk, next to another blonde child with her mother. The teacher let out a long sigh, looking at Isabella with such a glare that made it look like she wanted to kill her.

I saw that Isabella's white dress that she wore to school was dirty, and the blonde girl's sleeves from her sweater was ripped. She had a smug look on her face, also joining in with the glare on Isabella. "So what happened?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes I would like to know why my daughter's expensive coat has been torn by your... ferocious beast!" The mother exclaimed in utter horror.

I balled my fists inside my pockets to prevent me from doing anything to this woman that had already ticked me off. I just simply looked away, giving an eye roll.

"What happened was, Mother's Day is coming up so we were making Mother's Day ca-"

"I already know where this is going," I said impatiently, as Isabella looked at me with her arms crossed and her tough face was put on. She nodded at me slowly, looking as if she was about to kill the people next to her.

"Yes, and you see, Isabella has two dads," the teacher said, with a long pause in the middle.

The mother soon bursted in uncontrollable laughter, and her daughter giggled. "That's still funny to me," the blonde girl admitted while continuing to laugh.

"Hey, you little Sharpay Evans don't make me rip off the rest of your sleeves!" Isabella yelled, as I looked at her with wide eyes of shock, putting my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter.

Even though she is adopted, she's inherited so much of me...

"Isabella! Rosie! Mrs. Jones, please contain yourselves!" The teacher exclaimed, letting out a long sigh, pushing up her reading glasses to the bridge of her nose. "Now, Isabella asked the question what do we do if we have two dads? Then Rosie started laughing at Isabella, and started making fun of her during recess."

If It Weren't For... (LeoJi)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora