Chapter 3

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"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Phichit exclaimed in horror as we were sitting on the ice skating rink's seats. He was on his phone, as he saw that it was a news article about me on the phone, with the article titles 'Famous Ice Skater: Guang-Hong Ji has a Lover?'

"W-We aren't even dating! It's a good thing they didn't know it was Leo! He would have dealt with this, too! And since he's a guy, the media would be more than crazy!" I exclaimed, burying my face into my bear for support as Phichit patted my back.

"There there Guang-Hong you'll be fine. It's just a little media, it happens to all of us," Phichit said as I shook my head.

"I can't skate in this kind of mood...," I admitted as Phichit sighed.

"Do you want to go and see a movie? To make you feel better?" Phichit asked as I nodded.

"Please?" I asked.

It has been two days passed, which felt like forever. Tomorrow would be the day that Leo would come to China, and stay with me for quite a while.

And I am pretty sure that the rumor of me having a lover is widespread by now, which I think to be horrible. It was like how Yuri felt when Phichit posted pictures of them at the hot pot, and he could barely skate.

And my legs felt weak, and my heart kept beating anxiously since I wish that Leo was here already. I missed him, almost more than ever since over time I developed these feelings for him. Maybe he was doing this as a ruse to get me distracted from skating? No, Leo would never do that to me! He said he would take a bullet for me, so ruining my career would say he is wrong...

"Phichit, what do you think I should do? I asked Yuri, and he told me that I should tell him as soon as he gets to China," I asked as Phichit shook his head.

"Yuri is an emotional mess, even though he is my friend. I would suggest to wait a bit longer, to make sure he is the one," Phichit said as we walked into the theaters, bought tickets for, a romantic comedy?

"I heard it's great!" Phichit exclaimed as I rose one eyebrow in confusion.

"But...I thought today was the official release of The King and the Skater III, and I thought you loved that movie," I said as Phichit shrugged.

"I lost interest in it. I have a new interest in these movies! Ha, I'd love to watch these with you!" Phichit exclaimed as I saw his odd behavior to be quite, odd.

He's always loved The King and the Skater and has always admired every single movie. This was so, weird of him to reject it like that as if it never a part of his life, even though he admires the movie so much...

As I took my seat in the theaters, next to Phichit, the movie was already starting, with, a heated make-out session.

I covered my eyes in the horror as Phichit held my hand as my eyes were wide in shock. "It's okay, Guang-Hong. I'm right here," he said as the moment I turned to him he immediately leaned in for a kiss, which I blocked with my hand.

I soon remembered what Yuri told me...

If you wait, then your relationship with him will be stuck for a while, and more people can appear in their life, and they'll start to forget about you.

"I-I have to go," I said and ran away, and like the softie I am, I was crying, as I ran away from the theaters, taking my phone out as I went to the bathroom, grabbing napkins to dry my tears as I quickly dialed Leo's number.

"Hey Guang-Hong!" Leo exclaimed happily as his emotion in his voice quickly changed. "Hm? You're crying! Did someone hurt you?" He asked with worry as I was barely able to talk as I broke into another cry. Thank goodness I was the only one in this bathroom.

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