Chapter 7

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"WHAT THE HELL?!" Phichit exclaimed as he got to the hospital with me. Guang-Hong's mother was sitting patiently in the waiting room, as she was crying. The father, was not present, as I realized that he was not there, because of what I heard of their conversation outside of the house. "WHY DID HE DO THAT?!" Phichit continued to yell as Seung-Gil Lee held him back.

There had recently been rumors about Phichit and Seung-Gil Lee going out. I would be happy for them, but at this moment, I was just worried about Guang-Hong.

"I-I don't know..," Guang-Hong's mom said and began to soften her sobs. "His father was cranky because of jet lag, and is extremely homophobic and..," his mom began to uncontrollably cry as I patted her back, and began to type on my phone.

He'll be fine, Mrs. Ji I typed as she began to take slow breathes, which I remember was a habit that Guang-Hong had as she began to cover her face as she continued to cry.

"I appreciate it Leo, but it's all my fault because I couldn't keep a secret..," his mom said with Phichit sitting next to her, patting her back.

"I agree with Leo. Guang-Hong's a strong person for his age, he'll be okay," Phichit said as my mom nodded, as she tried calming down as I leaned against the wall, staring at the door of the room where Guang-Hong was being operated, as I looked down at my feet, on this floor.

I imagined it being ice, one day we could have even pair skated with each other. Now, Guang-Hong may not even be able to skate, but now, I am just worried if he will even live...

"I got the news!" His coach exclaimed, running through the hallways, pushing back doctors and nurses to join us with her eyes wide in terror, almost as if she looked like a rabid animal.

Guang-Hong and his coach were very close, as I remembered his coach treated him almost like her own child when his mother was not able to be there. His coach stood by the door, which was blocked as she turned towards us. "What happened?!" She yelled in a booming voice, causing my mom to shake, and sob.

Phichit walked over to Guang-Hong's coach and whispered the details into her ear. Her eyes were wide, as she banged her fist against the wall, and began to yell something in Chinese. Phichit, Seung-Gil Lee, a nurse, and I had to calm her down.

She seemed so distraught about the situation, as she began to cry. She sat down on the seat next to Guang-Hong's mom, staring off into space as if she looked like a still doll. "He'll be okay...he'll be okay..."

"Mrs. Ji you need to divorce him," Phichit said as Guang-Hong's mom nodded in agreement, clenching her fists over her eyes as his coach was silent the whole time. I felt someone tap on my shoulder, as I turned around to see it was Seung-Gil Lee, staring at me with a modest look on his face, yet his eyes were filled with worry.

"You haven't freaked out, yet you love him the most. Why's that?" Seung-Gil Lee asked as I looked at him and shrugged my shoulder, typing what I was going to say onto my phone.

I can't talk. I would, but he would want me to stay calm I replied as Seung-Gil Lee nodded, putting his hands casually in his pockets. I admit, I was worried to the point I might die, but I did not show it. Keeping a straight face was enough to show I was worried, but I kept fidgeting with my fingers to prevent me from blowing a fuse.

The doctor walked up to us as his mom and his coach stood up and walked to the doctor. "Is he okay?!" They asked in sync as the doctor inhaled sharply.

Something went wrong...

"Well, the good news is, he hasn't died and he's in stable condition," the doctor said as Guang-Hong's coach stepped closer to him, grabbing him by the collar.

If It Weren't For... (LeoJi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang