Chapter 10

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It was the day, it was finally the day. The day that I thought would never come. I thought my father had probably killed me by then. I stared at the doors to the huge, gigantic, church in America, causing me to almost throw up in intimidation.

I was not wearing a dress, thank goodness, but instead I was wearing a suit. I watched as the doors opened as I saw the huge aisle, filled with flowers of my favorite color, and everyone was looking at me. By everyone, I mean some of my relatives from my mom's side, my coach, and a couple of my friends that flew all the way to America to my wedding.

My stomach churned in nervousness as I slowly inched across the aisle. I looked at Leo standing there, in a suit, with his eyes being the first thing I would catch, and we were locked into each other's gaze from yards and yards away.

I saw a smile appear from the corner of his mouth, as I watched his eyes turn red and puffy, with tears coming out of his eyes. I gasped at the shock, as my hands were trembling, as I continued to walk down the aisle, looking at him still wth my full attention.

I felt a tear run down my cheek, as I let out a small laugh to keep me going, by the actuality was that I was nervous and scared out of my mind, with all of these people staring at me, including Leo, as I walked down the aisle, awkwardly like an idiot.

I made it there, as I stared at Leo in the eyes, which somewhat calmed me down, but I was flustered to the point that I felt butterflies flutter around my stomach, and Phichit standing behind me, as I heard a snap from a camera behind my back.

I felt much more relaxed to realize that most of my friends will be here for support, as Leo's hand touched mine, causing me to flinch. "I'm here, it's okay," Leo said in a whispery, assuring tone, as I nodded, holding his hand in mine, as we both stared at each other for quite a while.

After a jumble of minutes, we made it to the vows as I held a piece of paper in my hand, that was slowly dissolving with my stupid sweaty and nervous hands, with Leo going first. He cleared his throat, reading off of the paper, then later tossing it to the ground.

"Guang-Hong Ji, I would put this vow in a song, but that just isn't the time for me. Uh, I can't say that the moment I laid eyes on you was just yesterday, because we've gone through a roller coaster of emotions from that moment. Skate America, Cup of China, other minor ice skating competitions. Me loosing my hearing and my ability to speak for nearly two years, the long distance we suffered from each other, the coma that you were in that got me worried sick. All of these things that pulled us apart, and the barriers that we had to cross, we were able to overcome them, and look at us now-" Leo paused to let out a soft chuckle which looked absolutely adorable to me "-We're getting married now, and I feel like the happiest guy on earth for this to be able to happen. Not to mention, all of our friends are here! Phichit, Yuri, Viktor, Seung-Gil Lee and many more. Marrying you seems like a dream, and we can grow old together, you and I, maybe adopt a dog or cat whichever one. I'll gladly spend the rest of my life with you Guang-Hong Ji, and I'll gladly relive this moment by spilling out my guts of emotions to you."

My heart was beating so fast, that no full words could come out of my mouth. I felt my heart swell in anticipation of saying my vows, but I was too nervous to say anything. I was no Leo de la Iglesia; I could not not read off of a paper for a huge thing like that and just come up with it at the top of my head. He was Leo de la Iglesia, someone that was so cool and unique, you could not compare him to anyone else.

I slowly put up the paper to my face, hiding my face rom the crowd in embarrassment from how I felt. I watched as a hand reached over to my paper and pull it away from my face, to see that it was Leo. "It's okay," Leo said with a gleaming smile on his face that gave me reassurance.

I cleared my throat and looked at the paper in nervousness. "I had trouble with these vows because I had trouble to find the right words to express how much I am in love with you. I just remember the first time that we saw each other, in our junior debut, where we first became friends. You asked me to look at the sights of America with you even though you das it a thousand times. You said it was different because you thought it was way different because you were looking at them with me," I paused to remember the memory distinctly, as a tear ran down my cheek, and landing onto my paper. "Enough reminiscing about the past, I want to live the present and the rest of my future with you. I promise, I will still be your best friend through hard times. We'll still laugh, we'll still cry, and we'll go through everything together, and maybe even have that food fight that we had on a banquet and we almost got kicked out," I muffled a laugh as Phichit bursted in roaring laughter and Leo joined him as well. "I love you, Leo de la Iglesia, and i always will for the rest of my life."

I wiped my tears away with my tuxedo sleeve, which was stupid because that suit is expensive. I gave myself a facepalm at the stupid mistake, as I let out a sniff. After a few more minutes of other reciting of vows and stuff that I did not really understand, since wedding ceremonies were very different from here and China.

The priest soon walked up forward for the anticipating moment I have been waiting ever since that text I first sent a supposedly drunk Leo. "You may now kiss the...the, uh...," the priest stared at us in confusion, with one eyebrow raised, as I could hear my mom trying to hold in her laughter in the crowd, causing me to muffle one under my breath as well. Phichit whispered something into the priest's ear before he nodded. "Groom. You may now kiss the broom, sorry about that," he said as my mom bursted into dying laughter in the crowd.

I faced Leo with a smile on my face, as we held hands. Leo caressed my face gently, and our noses were touching. Just take is slow, Guang-Hong, and soak up every bit of this golden moment, and enjoy it, because this moment is never going to happen again.

We slowly leaned towards each other, and it felt like we were breathing the same air, and I was in a scene taken from a movie. Any moment now, Guang-Hong, any moment now..

There it was, the golden kiss I have been waiting my whole life for. He kissed me in such a loving matter, that I was about to absolutely melt from the kiss. It was a kiss that could beat all gold medals for anything, and a kiss from someone who was gold to my heart, made me feel giddy inside with the utter bliss on how I felt about him.

We kissed, then the music began to play, and we broke apart from the kiss, if you hardly consider it breaking apart. We held each other's hands, locked onto each other's gaze the whole time, ignoring every single camera flashing and clicking towards us, as we walked down the isle in peacefulness.

I was in love, I was madly in love with Leo de la Iglesia, and now, I was allowed to let the whole world know, that we, were officially now married.

I honestly feel so bad for not updating in a while things have just been going on causing me to be stressed, but I am so sorry for not updating in a while I always get caught up in other things that get me distracted. I can't formally apologize for this enough, but I am really sorry about not updating!

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