Chapter 11

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It was a normal, normal day, as normal as can be. I woke up that morning, next to Guang-Hong, who was still sound asleep. I smiled at his adorable, sleeping face that I am glad to wake up to almost every day.

"Dad! Daddy! Time to wake up!" I heard a loud screaming yell, as I watched the doors burst open. My eyes were wide, as I was tackled by our daughter, Isabella who was seven, and then our son, Jinhai who was five, was poking Guang-Hong's cheek. Of course, I am still having trouble to pronounce his name.

"Hgn..., good morning Jinhai..," Guang-Hong said drowsily, and pinching Jinhai's cheek. Isabella giggled, as she excitingly jumped off of the bed.

"First day of school today! I'm excited to meet my friends! Dads, I promise I will watch over Jinhai as much as I can!" Isabella exclaimed as I chuckled, patting her on the head. I saw that she was already wearing her school clothes and had her backpack on her back. She had a radiant smile on her face, as I could tell she was excited to go to school. That's a first...

"Waaaah!" Jinhai cried out, as he began to cry, which caused Guang-Hong and I to look alarmed. "I won't be with dad and daddy anymore!" Jinhai cried as Guang-Hong picked Jinhai up, and sat him in between us.

"Jinhai, you'll be fine. You're sister will watch over you, and you'll make many new friends!" Leo exclaimed as Guang-Hong nodded, giving Jinhai a squeeze, as I did the same.

"Hey, I want hugs, too!" Isabella said, as I turned back to her, to see that she had her arms crossed, and had the same pouting face as Guang-Hong after his free skate.

I picked her up, and landed her down next to Jinhai who had stopped crying, as the both of them walked off into the halls of our house, where Leo and I quickly dressed up, and walked to the car. Leo drove, even though I tried insisting. I fastened Isabella's seatbelt and put on Jinhai's car seat. I shut the door quietly, and got in my front seat, as Leo started the car.

Of course, the radio was on, because what was Leo de la Iglesia without music. I did somewhat convince him to turn the volume down every once in a while, for the kid's sake, because they were too young to turn deaf.

I hummed softly the sweet melody of the song that was playing, as I looked out the window. Blue skies, lightly scattered clouds, sun shining up in the sky, it seemed like a perfect day for our two to start school.

Leo kept the kids distracted while he played car games, as I got lost in my thoughts while looking out the window. I still cannot believe it, with the fact that the both of us are, married, and adopted two kids when they were just babies and we even got to name them. Leo named Isabella, I named Jinhai, which I am sure was quite obvious.

We stopped by their school, as Isabella happily hopped off of the car, and Jinhai staggering slowly behind her. "Bye dads!" Isabella exclaimed with a huge grin on her face, and Jinhai hiding behind his sister, waving shyly.

"Bye Isabella and Jinhai!" Leo exclaimed, as I gave a warm smile to the both of them before Leo drove off.

"So...," I said, looking out my window with a half grin. "The kids aren't home...," I said, with my half grin turning into a full one.

"I see where this is going," Leo said and let out a chuckle, turning the radio back on. "You're talking about watching all of the Shanghai Blade movies in full volume," Leo said as I gasped in shock.

"You know me so well," I said, looking at his prideful smirk, giving him a small peck on the cheek.

The moment we had gotten back to our house, I saw that there was a car parked up onto the driveway, and a man standing on our porch. Leo had an utterly disturbed look, as I did the same. The man was quite mysterious with his gigantic trench coat while it was still summer.

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