Chapter 8

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In my quiet world.

Once filled with music.

I had the ability once to gain it back, with the love of my life being my muse.

Suddenly taken away from me.

I wanted to yell, and holler, and scream bloody murder while I could. Then I remember, that I could not even make a single whisper.

I was so in love with him, and I knew that he was my other half by the first moment of us having our conversation.

He was Guang-Hong Ji. The love of my life that could translate from being as fragile as a flower to a fire that could turn into an inferno. I missed everything about him since he was sitting in a hospital bed in China, as I wait every single day, to see if he wakes up, as my eyes are trained on his slow breathing, and his pale face with his head bandaged.

I pray every single day that he will wake up. It has been a month of me staying in China, and he has not woken up.

I was sitting in my normal seat at Guang-Hong's bedside, as I focused on the rise and fall of his chest to see that he was still breathing. His pale look on his face made him look almost peaceful, as I put my hand on top of his.

"Please wake up," I mouthed, knowing that I could not talk. Again, no answer, as expected. I hoped, I just hoped, that one day, he would wake up, and I would be there, to see him wake up and he could be with me, and we could have our own little version of our happy ending...

Why couldn't he wake up already?!

Why couldn't we just have that happy ending?!

Guang-Hong was the only reason why I was able to live with this disadvantage of not being able to hear or to even talk. I would gladly quit my passion in both music and skating for him to just wake up.

I needed him more than ever...

I put my earbuds on my ear, as I looked at his peaceful face, as I thought of him to just be taking a long nap, that he was happily resting about, to see that his face was growing pale, and his lips were chapped. I put my hand over his, to feel that he was cold as ice, as I saw that my hand was shaking.

I watched as another teardrop fell onto my hand, as I noticed I was crying. I looked to see that nothing changed, and he was still as still as he was, in stable condition, with the same beeping sound of his heart rate at the same pace.

Everything was the same for this month, and I hope that one day it would change and I would see his eyes open. I just want to hear him call out my name, and then everything would be okay. I did not want to hear the constant muffed yells ringing in my mind that scared me, because those yells were only made because it was all my fault...

I heard someone walk next to me, as I saw he was wearing the jacket for the Chinese figure skaters, as he looked to be about Viktor's age, with a saddened look on his face.

"Hello," he said as I waved. I knew he was a Chinese figure skater, but I had no idea which one. "I'm Cao Bin. You must be Leo de la Iglesia, correct?" I nodded when he said that as he looked at Guang-Hong with a saddened look on his face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, he must have told you about me," Cao Bin said as I looked at him with a confused look on my face. Sure, I knew who Cao Bin was, the Chinese figure skater that got fourth place in the Grand Prix Finals, but Guang-Hong never really talked about him at all. "He hasn't?" Cao Bin had noticed my confused expression, as I shook my head.

Guang-Hong was possibly trying to explain who Cao Bin was before, but I was not able to hear it. "I'll explain who I am to you," Cao Bin said, clearing his throat, as I stared at Guang-Hong in shock.

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