Happy New Year 2017

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January 1, 2017

Hi readers!
Happy New Year, and may your wishes come true ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Please read. There's something i want to tell you in the end.

I wish this year, 2017, will be a better year, and can bring drowning people up and see how many chances they actually have. Let's jump over the upcoming obstacles together, and let yourself be happy. Believe in yourself that you all will find happiness in anyway anytime.

2017 is a new book. Some of papers might be crumbled, some of chapters might be sad, and the other chapters might be heartbreaking. But each story is beautiful in different ways. Everybook has a meaning, and that's your own choice to look for it and learn from it. So, 힘내! (9 ㅇㅅㅇ)9

I wish you all happiness, health, and don't forget to be the better 'you' :)

Love you all~ Without you, 2017 won't be the same, and the world won't be the same too. Each of your existence is meaningful, remember that \(- ^〇^ -)/

I'm currently struggling with my upcoming Seulmin fanfiction >< i'll work harder so that i could publish it this month. I hope armys and redvelvet's fans like this upcoming fanfic and enjoy reading it. Please look forward it ;)



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