III, My Life As A Pre-Apocalypse Hero Part II

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(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up with a massive headache. I don't remember where I am and what am I doing there. I only know that my name is (Y/N) (L/N).

I prop myself up and look around to see that I'm surrounded by strangers. Then I glance around the roo-wait what? STRANGERS?! I scoot back screaming, "STRANGER DANGER! STRANGERS DANGER!"

I must've scooted real hard cuz the next thing I know, I hit my head. And just like that, 》snap《, I black out.

》Time skip brought to you by the queen of Cloud City《

I wake with a massive headache. I have no idea what happened. I look around at my surroundings. It seems that I'm in a bedroom that isn't mine. I get off  the...floor? Then proceed to walk out the door, down the stairs, and out the front door.
Once outside, I scan my new area. There are normal trees, normal bushes, normal grass, and two normal boys hiding behind a normal blue robot armed to the bolts with dangerous weapons. Oh look, she's fighting another normal green and yellow-striped robot who looks rather evil and has an extremely normal army of evil minion robots who look ready to destroy. And there's the totally normal dark, sinister clouds only hovering over the two robots. Not to mention the normal trees, bushes, and- SAY WHAT?! THERE'S A ROBOT BATTLE GOING ON?!

I stand there gaping at the scene. I already did a thousand double takes so this has to be real. This never happened where I came from. Wait, where did I come from?

"LOOK OUT!" someone screams. 

I look at the direction of the voice and see a little dark-haired boy who looks like he's about to do pee-pee in his pantsies. I point at myself, "Me? Are you talking to me?"

"Duck!" someone else screams. Suddenly out of nowhere, the blue robot lunges at me. I glare at her, I guess, "Hey, what's the big idea?" A nanosecond later, a one of the little robots that represent a Nixel flies above my head. I look back at the blue robot, "Ummmmm. Thanks. Sorry 'bout the misunderstanding."

She smiles and extends a hand, "No worries. I'm XJ-9, protector of Earth, but you can call me Jenny Wakeman."

"Mine's (F/N) (M/N) (L/N), human person who is hundred-percent clueless right now, but you can call me (Y/N), " you reply while shaking her hand. Man, she has a strong grip. 

Jenny points over to the two boys who are now running around like crazy trying to avoid the little monsters, "Those two boys are Brad and Tuck. Brad the one with the stop sign and Tuck's the one with "apple juice" down his pants."

I laugh, "Haha, he's got apple jui-oh" I get it. "O...kay? Who's the Egyptian queen?" You point at the other robot who, at this moment, is cackling a very convincing evil laugh.

"Oh, that's just Vex-"

"THAT'S QUEEN VEXUS TO YOU!" the lady robot roars. 

"Just call her Vexus," Jenny whispers to you, "It annoys her a whole lot."


Jenny turns towards her. "Stay back, (Y/N). This gonna get ugly"

>> Time skip brought to you by mumbo-jumbo and sissy fighters <<

The little bodies of the metal garbage machines laid broken in heaps. Me, Brad, and Tuck (or is it Brad, Tuck, and I? I don't really care at this point) were hiding behind a dislodged door. Jenny and Vexus were in the gloomy sky still fighting. Jenny was obviously winning with her sweet laser cannons and awesome disintegration rays. Her opponent was robot pulp. 

"You haven't seen the last of me. I will build an army of the most diabolical villains in the entire universe," Vexus huffed. Then she puffed, "And with me as their queen, I will lead my army to conquer all dimensions. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!"

Then she took out a remote controller-thingy, clicked a button, and a strangely familiar portal appeared on the lawn. Vexus disappeared through it followed by Jenny. 

"Hey! Wait for us!" Brad calls after them and runs through it while dragging Tuck. I have no choice but to follow his lead into the colorfully mesmerizing door. 

Why was the portal so familiar? Where did the portal lead to? WHY WAS THERE "APPLE JUICE" IN TUCK'S PANTSIES? 

Those answers are for me to know and you to find out. Until then my minions . . . 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away, an apple a day' that's what they say.

To be continued. . .

P.S. I'm gonna start giving Vexus nicknames since she does look Egyptian...to me.

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