X, Teen Titans GO! [Away]

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The Jump City Bank...

The alarm screams as the H.I.V.E. dashes out with sacks of money.

The villainous teens jump into their monster truck and buckle in. A portal opens a few feet above them and Brad, Tuck, Jenny, Vexus, (Y/N), Dipper, Mabel, Grunkle Stan, and a floating Bill tumble out. The gang crushes the getaway vehicle and it explodes, spewing bodies everywhere. Everyone groggily gets up, their clothes smoked.

"Stop it right there, H.I.V.E.," a voice says from above.

The villains groan and the portal gang look up to see the source of the voice: a spiky-haired superhero in green tights. With him was a muscular cyborg, a green tiger, a floating pink-haired girl in a cheerleader costume, and a suspended purple cloak. They drop down and began to attack the H.I.V.E. mercilessly and once they finish tying the evil-doers up, the superheroes turn to the confused group that had appeared out of nowhere. They study each other in silence.

Mabel, obviously, breaks the silence, "OH MY GOD! Are you guys superheroes?!" She runs up to the one in green tights and pretends to pat her pockets as if looking for something. She then makes an exaggeratedly shocked face and say, "Oh no, I've seem to have lost my phone number, can I have have yours?"

"Haha! That's my girl!" Grunkle Stan shouts from the sidelines.

The boy blushes hard, "Um...uh..." He bites bottom lip and looks at his companions for help. They smile and just walk over to the rest of the portal-travelers, leaving the two alone.

"My name is Mabel by the way," Mabel continues after noticing he wasn't going to produce any words anytime sooner.

The flustered superhero opens his mouth, "Oh, uh, my na-"

"But you can call me the girl of your dreams," Mabel throws a cheeky smile his way.

The boy's jaws snap close.

Mabel bursts into laughter and unintentionally shoves him, "I'm joking!"

The pink-haired girl flies over to the two, "I have the wonderful news, friends!" She takes Mabel in her arms, "You and your merry band are welcome to take shelter at the Titans Tower for the night!"

"YAY!" Mabel hugs the teenage girl tightly.

"JOY!" the girl returns the death grip.

With that, the giant group head towards their hosts' home, leaving a flabbergasted Robin.

"DON'T I GET A SAY IN THIS!" he yells.

His communicator beeps and he answers.

"NO!!!" his teammates scream through the device.

He sighs, pockets it, and rush to catch up with everyone else.

Later at the Titans Tower . . .

"So, you are meaning to tell me that you guys are from different dimensions?" the half-robot, Cyborg, asks for the umpteenth time.

Grunkle Stan groans, "Yes, kid. Clean your ears or oil it, whatever robot kids do."

The giant group sits in the living room. Starfire, the pink-haired Tamaranian princess, plays with Mabel's hair while Mabel and the green Beast Boy talk about their love lives on the sofa. The cloaked figure, Raven, hovers a feet off the ground near the sofa reading a book while Dipper paces around her in awe. Cyborg and Stan were now locked in an intense arm wrestle battle in the kitchen. Meanwhile Robin had dragged Vexus and Bill down to his lab for interrogation. He tries to get information out of Vexus with Bill floating around, suggesting torture methods.

"BILLLL!!!" Vexus screams, "GET ME OUT OF THIS DUMP!"

Bill sighs, "But the fun was just beginning." Nevertheless, he snaps his fingers, stops time, and the two escape. When time returns, Robin looks around clueless, wondering what just happened.

He returns to the living room where everyone else was watching Pretty Pretty Pegasus. "Hey, has anyone seen Vexus and Bill?"

They turn to face him. Silence. The group look at each other and bursts into laughter. Confused, Robin gets irritated, "What?!"

Raven composes herself and produces a mirror. Robin looks at himself and sees blue-green lipstick, mascara, and blush applied perfectly on his face by Vexus. Bill had drew a neon yellow triangle around his right eye and turned his nose into a mini Bill Cipher, complete with a wheel of strange symbols such as a question mark, star, and shooting star. Angry, Robin furiously rubs his face with his hands but just makes it worse and it gets on his hands as well. The gang erupts into more fits of guffawing and soon Robin joins in, everyone completely unaware of the danger approaching soon.

To Be Continued . . . 

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