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February 15, 2017

I got tagged! Read on if you wish to be a bunch of desperately creepy stalkers!

#1 Anime dub or sub?
Dub, so I can watch the original later on and laugh at how different the characters sound.

#2 Favorite three Youtubers?
I don't worship no one. But I do like the channels Eddsworld, GalactiBun, and aizy-boy. Check out the last two for Hamilton animations.

#3 How old do you think you'll be when you get married?
HA! I'd like to see you say that to my face when I die single. Go Hunters of Artemis! (Percy Jackson reference)

#4 Grab the closest book, flip to page 21. What does line 7 say?
The closest book was actually my math textbook, which didn't have a page 21. So Danny's Doodles by David A. Adler it is. Page 7: "Yeah. Here's a good one. V-F-W-A-L-L..."

#5 Do you like your name?
Pshhh. Yeah I do. It's a pretty unique name.

#6  Have you ever cried over something/someone fictional?
Já. Just the day before yesterday. I watching an animation of "It's Quiet Uptown" from Hamilton. Animation by GalactiBun. I had to hide in my room so no one saw me tears. But isn't Hamilton based on the life and times of Alexander Hamilton? Then it would be while watching Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon 4: Somewhere In The Woods. I'm not gonna go any further in fear of being a spoiler.

#7 What is a place that you always wanted to go to?
The past and future, like Doctor Who (I don't know, I don't watch it). Don't judge me. The only reason why you would judge me if it's cuz you like my taste and don't want to admit it t

#8 Close your eyes, scroll down your gallery, pick a random picture and describe it.
If you on a computer, give us some laughs, son!]
Well, it's a picture of my alto saxophone after I Photo-Editored it.

I added a Minnie Mouse bow to the neck, two sets of sparkles, and I wrote "Goldie" in yellow with my crappy phone writing. I named it Goldie.

#9 Kpop?
Not my interest, sorry. If it's from a cartoon, I'd gladly listen to that song.

#10 What is your OTP (One true pairing from a fandom)?

Wirt x Beatrice from "Over The Garden Wall"

Now I shall tag a mere five unfortunate souls to continue thy quest.


Thou may use the questions above or answer thy following:

#1 Desired cartoon of all time?

#2 Would thou consider thouself a yandere, tsundere, dandere, or kuudere?

#3 If thou were teleported into any show; reality, cartoon, or anime; what would it be?

#4 Thou biggest fear?

#5 Something that triggers thou so much, thou might go insane?

#6 What status art thou in school? Like what thou peers see thou as?

#7 If thou had to live off of just one food and drink, what would they be?

#8 Describe thou best dream that thou had wished to continue.

#9 Thou most loved song?

#10 Most best accomplishment thou is proud of?

Clash of CartoonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ