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You had entered a different world with no memories of the past except for yo name. You met Jenny the protector of Earth, Brad, Tuck, and Jenny's Egyptian arch nemesis, Que-Vexus. All of you followed Vexus through a portal to somewhere else.

Now. . . . BACK TO THE FUTURE!!! (get it?)

A portal opens and a yellow and green-striped female robot steps out. All the Rabbids hide in confusion. Another robot, a blue girl, flies out and crashes into the first intruder. Seconds later, two boys come out, trip over the robots and fall on top. Another human rushes through the portal and, you get the idea, trip and fall, bleh bleh-bleh.

(Y/N) groans, "Ugh, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that all you fools ARE DOG-PILED ON ME!" Vexus screams.

"Yeah...I don't really care about that." You shoot back. "It's just that...where are we?"

Everyone stops fidgeting and fighting and stops. They all look around.

"We appear to be in a desert with funky rabbits who are desperately trying to hide but are failing," Jenny states.

The Rabbids, realizing they have been spotted, scramble to a humongous planetarium?

All of you manage to untangle from each other therefore, starting yet another argument. Since you were on top of the 'doggy-pile, you escaped the confusion first. As you look around, you notice a faint machine-y type sound. You try to politely shush them, which didn't work. So you turned to drastic measures. "EVERYONE, SHUT YOUR YABBERWONKERS!"

Their arguments die down as they also begin to hear the strange noise.

"It's coming from the planetarium," Brad points out. "It kind of sounds like a heavy artillery."

Everyone looks at him.

Brad throws his hands up. "What? I play a lot of war games."

"I don't care about that," Vexus snaps, "What are those idiots going to shoot at you imbeciles, underwear?"

"Hey how about you, Ms. Egypt?" You snap back.

Vexus glares daggers and axes, "One, I can simply create a portal to another dimension in...one and a half minutes. Two, don't call me that."

You roll your eyes, "Whatever, Cleopatra."

As you and Vexus continue to argue and threaten one another, the planetarium's dome opens up and a huge slingshot slowly rises, armed with a mile-high pile of . . . underwear?

Your group gaps at the humongous slingshot. Vexus simply whispers, "Called it."

You hold up an imaginary microphone and face your peculiar group, "Today's forecast, folks, will be sunny with a certainty of a quick underwear shower. So when y'all go out, don't forget to bring your laundry baskets with you."

Jenny giggles then turns to Vexus with a serious expression, "Is the portal ready?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that," Vexus says. She immediately starts activating and everyone escapes just as the rain of underwear begins.

Where will they end up next? Find out in the next chapter.


This is my last week of winter break so, I wouldn't be updating that much. Here's a joke to cheer you guys up:

What do you call a bear without teeth?


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