IX, Weirdmageddon II Part V

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Mabel and Stan gasp. You just tilt your head in confusion.

Why did Dipper call Brad, Bill?

Brad grins at him, "Whatever do you mean, Dipper?"

"You know what I mean!" Dipper screams back. "Bill, I'm serious. Get. Out. Of. His. Body."

Brad's body is suddenly engulfed in blue flames causing Grunkle Stan, who by now is trying to pickpocket him, to yelp in pain and leap off.

The flames carry Brad into the air and he stays there for a while. Then his body abruptly collapses down unconscious and a flying yellow triangle comes.

The triangle is dressed up in a black bow, topped with a black top hat, and black noodle-limbs. What distracts you is the fact that he only had one eye, with a thin black line for a pupil.

The two dimensional triangle raises its arms in defeat. "Alright you got me, Pine Tree," it glows on every syllable. "But you haven't seen the last of me, all of you. Pine Tree, Shooting Star, Fez Hat, and Pilgrim." The door of the Mystery Shack is slammed open. "Oh, did I mention I'm having someone over?" Bill says nonchalantly, twirling his cane.

Everyone rushes to see who it is, leaving Bill to smoothly gliding behind and you to drag Brad's limp body with you. Once you dawgs reach the entrance, your jaw immediately drops, as well as Brad. Standing there is no other than Vexus, who has the sleeping forms of Jenny and Tuck slung over her shoulders.
She catches you staring and starting to fume and smiles sourly. "Don't look at me like that, you know you miss the Great Queen Vexus."

You growl and catapults the nearest object at her. Unfortunately, it happens to be Brad. But, fortunately, Vexus majestically sidesteps and Brad flies into another portal. She cackles at your failed attempt. Exploding, you lunge at her and you guys pass through the portal. Dipper and Mabel rush in after you, dragging a whining Stan.

Silence fills the room.

"BILL, GET OVER HERE! REMEMBER OUR DEAL!?" Vexus screams from the other side.

Bill slumps forward and disappears into the portal just before it closes.

More silence.

The door opens again and Robbie rushes in and spray paints a red "muffin" that covers the entire fourth wall.

[Muffled shrieks are heard as Robbie is assaulted. You can hear a venomy voice say, "Robbie-senpai, so nice of you to drop by." More screams, then dead silence.]

To be continued...

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