VII, Weirdmageddon II Part III

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You guys go around Gravity Falls, asking if anyone has seen a short, dark-haired kid or a tall redhead boy. You guys didn't mention Jenny just in case the citizens took it the wrong way. As for Brad's description, most of the people gestured to the Corduroy household, which didn't help.

After your search party gave up, Mabel and Dipper gives you a tour of Gravity Falls and introduces you to some of the less, no more, stu-intelligent (I SAID MORE INTELLIGENT!) city dwellers. Then you guys return to the Mystery Shack.

Their grunkle, they already explained the definition, greets you at the door. "Hey, kids. Oh, (Y/n)'s still here? I thought you two would've already scared him/her away."

"Ha ha. Very funny, Grunkle Stan," Dipper sarcastically claps.

Grunkle Stan grins and bows. "Thank you. But it's not like I don't already have that effect on people. But, really, let's cut to the chase. There's this redheaded weirdo stumbling around like Mabel's first boyfriend, what was his name? Nathan? Noodle Arms? Y'know, the dude who turned out to be a bunch of desperately lovesick knomes? Well, anyways, he's asking for you three. Does he sound familiar? If he doesn't, I can always use a new exhibit, the Cheapskate escaped last night."

Dipper rolls his eyes. "Typical. One, his name was 'Norman'. Two, no you can't turn him into an exhibit. Three, what did he look like again? And four...yeah, nevermind, that's all."

Grunkle Stan sighs extremely audibly. "I said there's a redheaded bimbo asking for you kids."

"Wait. Redhead? That just might be Brad! Where is he? I need to know," you plea, your voice falling to a haunting whisper.

"Yeesh kid. Calm down, he's continuously pantsing the Sascrotch which is actually attracting a lot of tourists so I put up a sign charging those idiots to watch the show. The kid's like a living gold mine," Stan replies as he raises his hands up as if to protect himself from that crazed look on your face.

You, Dipper, and Mabel rush into the shack. Sure enough, there's Brad pansting the Sascrotch over and over again while cackling inhumanly.

(Y/n)'s POV
We just stand there, surprised for a few seconds. There's a large crowd surrounding Brad and the Sascrotch with flashes. Turning ten shades of red per second, I hurriedly cover my eyes from the sight. Dipper and Mabel are still paralyzed and their jaws are dropping to the lowest level. I lead them out of the room then rush over to Brad.

I face the audience with an airhorn to catch their attention (to shut them up) and megaphone. "Hey, folks. You've all been a wonderful audience but this rare show is over. Please exit in an orderly fashion to the gift shop and buy a souvenir. The prices here are off the charts! Come again! Good day!" I bade farewell to each and every tourist as they stumble over each other to buy Grunkle Stan's extremely expensive junk.

Then I turn and glare at Problemo Numbuh Two.

Brad pouts on the floor. "Are you always the party-pooper back home?"

I drill my glare into his soul and snarl, "No, now get up. We need to find Jenny and Tuck."

Then I drag him away from the poor exhibit.

Seconds later, Brad comes rushing back to the Sascrotch with you hot on his trail.

"No, Brad, no more!" You scold.

Brad clutches onto the Sascrotch's legs. He whines and beg, "Please one last time?"

This time, you are so close to strangling him."That's a negative. You had your moment of fame, now let's get down to business [to defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?]." With that, you haul him to the Pine's living room where everyone was waiting for you.

I'm a night-owl, so I write...
at night.


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