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"I loved you."

"I know."

"I missed you, you never called."

"Phones work both ways."

"It was hard without you."

"It was for me too."

"I still miss you."

"I still love you."

5 years after the voicemail

He was beautiful, just like
I remembered.

But his hair was darker and his skin was tanner.

He was tall and handsome and wore nice clothes

And all the girl loved him.

But he was my Reggie.

He was on Ellen

Ellen! Can you fucking believe it?

I knew he would be someone, I always knew it.
But it killed me on the inside thinking

Of how many girls he's kissed and been with,

And how many of them he's said he loved.

I still wonder if he misses me like I miss him, because I'm the one holding the pendent he gave me five years ago when we were young and In Love.

"Are there any girls in your life?"

My heart was thumping In Anticipation of what he was going to say.

"Um no, not right now at least."

He chuckled and my eyes twinkled seeing him smile again.

But he never called, he never wrote, he just left me behind,
But that was what I asked for right?

"So you have come out with your very own album since you and the rest of "salvation" broke up."

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited," His hair flopped on his face and he ran his fingers through his locks.

"Lily, the name of your album, what an interesting name. Is it about a girl we don't know about?" She inquired and there was an uproar in the audience.

My eyes brimmed with tears and my lips lifted up.

He smiled, "yeah."

"Who is this mystery girl?"

"Um it was a girl that I dated back in high school," the audience swooned with 'awws' and he simply smiled.

"Did you love her?"

"Yes, she was first love."

"First heartbreak?"


"Are you guys still in touch?"

"Unfortunately no."

The audience this time 'awwed' with sadness and I couldn't control the tears that seemed to spill out of my eyes as I quickly wiped them away.

"So how are you? I know this year has been crazy for you with the band breaking up and you going off to do your own thing. Congratulations on the album by the way."

"Thank you, yeah, I'm happy. I think I'm in a good place right now."

I was happy for him.

"Well, it was a pleasure to have you here today."

"Thank you for having me."

"Thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you next week."

I scooted off of the Couch looking back once more at his pixelated figure adjusting my glasses along the way to my bedroom.

I have my own place now, and I'm almost done with college.

    A boy named Dakota asked me out last week, he's in my phych class,

         I said yes.

I'm fine now and all I've wanted to know all these years is if he was too,

And he is.
    I can stop guessing now,

I'm happy.

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