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Hey everyone, I know it's been a while. I hope everyone is doing well. Because of back to school, I decided to have a sale on Strum. Starting this Friday, the price will drop to $6.99 until Labor Day. I understand that the price was a little high so I wanted you guys to get the opportunity to read it. I really don't care about the royalties because I want you guys to be able to read the updated version. I spent a lot of time revising the wattpad version because every time I look back at it I cringe lol. It has 20+ new parts and includes drawings. I spent a lot of time and money in the editing process to make sure everything was perfect. I am really proud of the finished product and really want to share it with you guys. I would appreciate reviews on Amazon because I have gotten some really positive feedback on here. I am beyond grateful for every single one of you. You have made my experience as a writer on this app 100 times better. I know I keep promising to update my other stories but it might be a while until I do (within a month). I hope you all have a great first day! Thank you again.

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