Chapter 10

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I woke up, i forgot where i was when i remembered that i was at blaise place. I got off of the bed and checked my phone seeing multiple messages from sam and dean. I answered back sam 'I'm fine worries moose'  i grabbed a pair of sweats and a sports bra, i changed and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I grabbed my phone and pair of headphones before walking out and going down the stairs seeing blaise no where in sight. I grabbed a water bottle and my hoodie from the rack. I walked out and chose a song to listen to while i ran a couple of blocks. (song is at the top) the song got my frustrations out, if it weren't for sam and his healthy tips for exercising and eating well i'd be on the couch drinking coffee looking up a case. I wasn't in the right mind, i wanted to forget about him and let him live his life but i knew i somehow couldn't. I cared about him so much just like i do about sam. They're my only family after bobby, i miss that guy even though he was old and cranky he was family. He was like a father to me after what had happened i saw him as my own family that of course before i met that pair of idjits that bobby loved so much. 

After running a few blocks i went to the nearest park and did some stretching and other forms of workouts before running back to blaise's house. I arrived back and went up to my room to shower and took care of things before walking back down and making some breakfast. I sat down on the stool in the kitchen and went on my lap top searching for cases. I kept reading but i had found none. It was too odd for anything to happen..i kept reading until i saw an article about dead people coming back to life. i took in the details and wrote them down on the notebook and began inducting my research with the books blaise had as well as the internet. i pulled out an article about the black magic sometimes being used to bring the dead back to life. I kept reading and organizing data that i didnt see blaise walk in until i looked up. 

"something good i presume?" he asked looking at me while pouring himself a cup of coffee. "yeah, you have no idea.." i said and looked back down at the notes taking in for what i needed before going to the town's police. "did you find a case? or else you'd be doing research just for fun i see." i looked up and he had a smirk on his face, i chuckled shaking my head "well pretty much or else i'd be still outside working out dummy" i smiled softly looking at him and he shook his head. "shut up" he chuckled and walked behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, it felt weird.."what did you find?" i looked back at the screen trying to think of his touch, "i found an article that multiple's decased friends and families have been showing up on their doorsteps as well as people witnessing the dead coming out of their graves. i didn't believe it at first but i ran over the photos and scanned them, they were legit. i then started finding out who would have done that. To bring them back to life they would have used the ancient greek necromancy as black magic to bring the whole body up from the ground." He was looking over at my notes and drawings i made. "do you think...." he tried to speak but stopped, i turned around and looked him in the eyes "if our parents would be alive?" i asked, he looked at me and nodded i let out a sigh and looked away from him, "to be honest with you blaise...i really don't know, i don't know if it's just on the people who bring them back or if its every deceased person." he didnt speak. i honestly don't blame him, i mean how could i? knowing that your parents could be alive would be everything..his mom at least. I know he'd do anything to see her again, i on the other hand i think everything thats dead should be dead. But i didn't know the kind of thoughts that were going through his mind right now. 

We started concluding more research, we had devised a plan to go to the small town of south dakoa, garretson. We packed our bags and got in his car and inducted out trip to the town. 

We arrived soon then and drove to the motel that was across some shops and an old diner that was beautiful. We got a room with separate beds and we placed our bags on the beds before laying down. I looked up at the ceiling. When all of a sudden I felt the bed sink down and looked at my feet seeing blaise sitting there. "Yes?.." I asked raising my eyebrow at him, "do you wanna get something to eat?" I laid my head back down on to the pillow. "I'm hungry, but kinda tired right now. " he sighs and threw his shoulders back and his head "I'll bring it to you if you want then" I deviously smiled and nodded. "Yes!" He chuckled and threw a pillow at me "you owe me" I grabbed a pillow and hit his lap. "Fine, what do you want me to do for you?" I looked at him with a grumpy look in my face. "Go on a date with me.." he said. I sit up and looked at him. "Friendly date please yeah?.." he nodded "I promise, I'm not gonna do anything you don't want me to do...I know you're situation." I nodded weakly smiling and he kissed my forehead before walking out of the room. I sighed and laid back down before receiving a text message. I grabbed my phone and saw it was Dean.

'We need to talk please...for once'

I know I haven't updated it in a while, I'm sorry! But I hope you enjoy it. I plan on writing some more and getting back to all of my stories soon hopefully check out my other ones and tell me what you think. Please any ideas you have please comment them at the end of the chapter. Love you guys💚💚💋

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