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I'm not one for it really. When you talk to someone, you get close, when you get close you get hurt. That's how it's always been. There are now two people who are constants in my life, who we've both had ups and down but they stuck. Through my stubbornness, my coldness. Here lately I've gotten worse I don't like to talk about things anymore I'd rather not, im trying to keep the water smooth. When I talk to someone it's blown out of proportion or twisted or even thrown in my face. It's easier to keep it to myself even if it pains me. But I have my music I have two people that help in distracting me rather than trying to pry it out of me. 

I lost one person yesterday that I thought I wouldn't. But I got fed up, it was talk about your issues or I'm leaving pretty much. I'm not fighting for people like that, I'm not fighting for anyone. I'm done. 2 years of friendship down the drain. I've done nothing but stand by this person even if I got mad, yet it was out of the question for him to just be there rather than attempt to pry it out of me. Which is fine, he got rid of the toddler who didn't want to talk. I wish him the best in life. Hope he finds happiness and gets everything worked out. 👍

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