The Fight Begins

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I'm still fuming as I walk back to the cabin, I open the door, slamming it shut behind me. Tobias is lying on the bed, "Hey Tris!- hey. What's wrong?" His smile turns to a frown as he sees my face. He comes over and hugs me, I bite my lip. "You look like you're about to rip someone's head off and stitch it back with a stick!" He smiled. I bury my face in his chest.
"I was about to" I muttered darkly. I could taste blood in my mouth, but I didn't care.
"Punch me. Go on. Take all your anger out on me." He says. I'm so angry at Tara that I don't resist. I lightly hit his arm, my anger rising up faster. "Okay. I'm that person that got you annoyed, what would you do?" I jerked off him and stared at his face, his image changing into Tara's. I lunge at him, punching his jaw and sending him flying.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND!!" I screamed at him. The image changed back and I saw Tobias on the floor, looking up at me with... Respect? I froze. He started laughing. What have I done? I look at my hands, the hands that hurt someone I love. I walked over to me, tears gathering in my eyes as I kneel down and buried my face in his chest again, his heart beat soothing me. "I didn't think you had it in you, stiff." He jokes. I bite my lip again as I silently cry into his shirt, cursing myself. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry... I love you! I'm sorry!"
He smiles at me "Nah it's fine" he says as he leans in and kisses me, surprise takes me for a moment as I lean in, pressing myself against him.

In the morning I wake up and get dressed, walking down the hall and opening the door. My group is changed and tying their hair up or fixing their clothes, some teary eyed. "H- what's wrong?" I look at their faces. One or two glance at an unmade bed. I look at it. Something isn't right. I examine their faces. "Wait a minute. One two three four five six SEVEN?! Where is.. Lanny?! Where is Lanny?" I look at them.
Max answers "She. She died... She was murdered. We found her in the middle of the night screaming and she died, her throat was split open and I- it. Was so, so horrible..." His eyes shone with terror.
"Where is she now?" I asked. "A guy took her away. Examining her."
"Do you know who killed her?" I gulped, remembering Edward and Al. There were a few glances around the room. My eyes rested on Tara. She flinched. 'Got you!' I thought to myself. She may be innocent. She may not be. "There is no use thinking about it. Believe me. Today we are fighting each other. Hope you remember what you were taught yesterday." Adrian's gaze looked triumphantly at Tara. I led them through the door and down to the fighting area.

"Listen up! You know the rules. Your aim is to win, knock the person and pin them down or hurt them until they can't fight or give up. I will call off the battle of it is getting nowhere or if someone is seriously injured they can't fight. First up, Emma and Tina. Go!" They stood in the rink, Tina moving side to side, she was nimble, Emma was more sturdy. Emma lunged at Tina who scrambled away, sidestepping and landing a punch at Emma's side, not very affective. Emma turns and hits her full on the head, she goes flying and lays on the floor. I was about to call it off when Tina scrambled up, spitting some blood out of her mouth, a determined look in her eye. I admire her spirit. Tina clenches her fists together, looking like she is going to punch Emma, Emma raises her arms defensively and Tina goes in for a kick to the side, knocking Emma down she hits Emma across the head, Emma pulls Tina by her leg, she falls down.
"Okay stop stop stop stop stop! Well for one you are equally as good so it's a draw. And if I didn't step in you would've fought until you were both dead on the floor. Good job. I had my doubts about both of you, Tina you surprised me when you got up and fought again, you fought better when you were injured. Emma, pulling her down with you was smart thinking, you kept a level head the whole time, thinking up strategies continuously! Use your kicks more Emma. And Tina, get more strength behind your arms."
Emma walks up to Tina and shakes her hand. "Good fight, turn your foot in slightly more for more damage though." She winked. Tina smiled back.
"Aim your hand a little to the left of my head." She replied.
"Okay. John and Tom off you go! And then Max and Adrian." I said.
"You forgot about me!" Tara huffed.
"Well since Lanny isn't here to verse you who do you want to fight?" I glared at her. She thought for a moment.
"Oh! I can fight Fou-"
"Well too bad. Your fighting me. He doesn't have time for petty girls." I interrupted. Tara's eyebrows crinkled down in frustration. She opens her mouth to say something. "Keep your mouth shut and I won't kill you." I flashed her a menacing smile. "John, Tom, fight." They fought competitively, however Tom wasn't quick enough and got knocked out by John, after dealing him a few good kicks. "John wins."
Max and Adrian then fought, tough battle, it went on for a while, when I was about to call it off Adrian lost his focus for a bit. Max seized the moment and struck, hard, at Adrian's face. "Okay. Max wins. Adrian that was really good, almost a tie, you need to be focused and zone out on the things around you, all that matters is the fight... And now, Tara and I fight" I challengingly smirked at her. "Now I'm going easy on you, show me your 'skill', that's what I'll be judging you on. Use your core strength. Go." I stood up, 'I'm going to make a fool of you' I thought evilly. She lunged at me, 'too easy' I thought, taking a step aside as she stumbled over. I kicked her lightly.
"Ow!" She complained, standing up and clutching the place I kicked her. Stopping and catching her own breath.
"Get back in the fight. I could've killed you by now!" I exclaimed impatiently.
"You're cheating! You've had more practice!" She said irately.
"Oh for god sakes you pansy cake! Fine. Adrian go fight her!" I huffed as I climbed out of the rink. Adrian climbed in.
"But he is taller then me!" She whined. I was starting to imagine how I'd torture her if I had the chance.
"Tallness downstairs matter. I was the shortest in my group, and I won... Go!" Adrian flung his leg across her side. "That" he muttered as he swiped his leg down, sending her flying. "Was" he continued on, storming to her and holding her down. "For" he said as he kicked her. "Lanny!" He muttered! My ears pricked up, Max's eyes flashed with knowledge as he looked up, Adrian went berserk, kicking her and screaming, punching her. "Okay that's enough." The tone of my voice must've given away that I wanted her to die, since he looked at me, shrugged and left her on the floor. "Tara. You didn't get one hit on him. He was more injured then you. You didn't come close to hitting me or him. Your technique was shocking, you weren't focused. You fighting style reminds me of a retarded raccoon. Very bad performance" I tsk-ed.

"Now that we have finished fighting we may as well go practice shooting dagger again. Grab five daggers and proceed. I'll come around and help." I said before Tara could whine at me, she was slumped against Tina, bearing all her weight and dragging her to the training room, supplying her with daggers.
"It was your fault" she muttered. I opened the doors and led them in, Tobias and his group were already there his face lit up when he saw me. So did mine, and Tara's... Tobias walked from his group, most injured and bloody, wearing proud smiles on their faces. "Guess we had the same idea" he said. Dan smiled at me warmly, I half smiled back. "Demonstration time!" Tobias shouted. I walked over to the target and stood In front of it, crossing my arms around my chest. Tobias smiled and picked up three daggers. He threw one, it landed right above my head, I didn't even blink. "You scared stiff? Let someone else take your place..." He coaxed. Reminding me of the past. "In your dreams" I said defiantly back.
"You already are" he replied lovingly and quietly, so only I could hear. He threw another one, landing right against my neck. Several people were wide eyed, Tobias threw the last knife. 'He nicked me!' I thought, sure enough some blood was running down my ear. Everyone gasped. "You could've killed her!" Max yelled. "Yeah. He could've, but he didn't" I smirked mischievously. He returned it. Everyone looked confused, I didn't care.
"His aim was off!" John pointed out.
"No. I meant to hit her. That was the point." Of coarse that made everyone more confused. Tobias and I burst out laughing. Tara glared at me. "Okay everyone pair up with a person from the opposite group, practice throwing knifes and helping each other out. We will come around and fix it up."

(Please tell me what you guys think of my stories! Leave comments)

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