The death of a once called friend

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I walked down the hall, determined of what I was going to do.
It had been a week since I was raped by Dan... Twice.
I broke into the infirmary, my eyes adjusting to the dim light of nighttime.
Dan was sleeping peacefully in a bed, I grabbed my dagger and a gun. Holding the gun to his head and the dagger to his throat. I put the dagger away in my belt lightly so I could easily reach in one swift movement if I had to. I put my hand around his throat.
He jerked away, surprise and fear showed through his eyes, they rested on my face. "Shut up or I kill you straight away" I promised ferociously. He must've seen the look in my eyes because he didn't doubt me. The tables had turned. I dragged him by his throat until he was beside the cabin. A few metres away. The roar of the water drowned out my words slightly. "You are so sick. Raping me twice? After getting beaten up the first time. And then you came to me, getting beaten up the second" I didn't really know what I was trying to prove, or say. But rage had taken over me. I bit my cheeks.
He made a gurgling sound before saying, "I deserve you more then anyone."
I laughed, a wicked laugh with malice in it.
"Deserved me? You don't even deserve anyone you pansy cake..."
"You don't deserve life!" Tobias muttered.
I spin my head, he was standing near me, hidden by the shadows. "Wh- when did-" I asked.
"I saw you were going and I followed you." He shrugged. Dans eyes were wide open, spilling out fear as his body started to tremble. "I- I okay. I know we got off to a b-bad start Four. But I- um. Why don't I- uh. Promise I won't do so much as l-look at Tris. And we will call it even?" He asked hopefully, his eyes pleading. Sweat was glistening off his forehead.
Tobias laughed. "Ahahahah! Ye-no! You really think I would buy that? You're obviously lying to me." The harshness in his voice struck me like a cold dagger. Yet somehow... Soothing. "And after what you did to Tris, you really expect me to forgive you?" He pulled a gun from his pocket, aiming it at Dans head as he moved closer. "Oh. And I know you helped Tara kill Lanny. The finger marks fit yours perfectly, hers were too slim and delicate. It's true she lured her but you were the one to kill her. Tara helped by slitting her throat." I said, my eyes gleaming with fury and my blood turned cold. I will avenge Lanny.
He bit his lip. I yelled in frustration and threw him, right over the edge if the chasm, I was surprised I could throw him, the equivalent to a heavy giant, at least 5 metres away and over a chasm.
I soaked it all in for a minute. What had happened. What I just did. I stood, gaping as Tobias leaned over the edge of the chasm. "Yeah. He's dead. He deserved it" Tobias spat bitterly.
He did deserve it, and that little guilty part of my was glad that he died.

(Okay that's the end! Please comment and tell me what you think. I would also like it very much if you hit the 'vote' button. Next I'll be writing a percabeth fanfiction! Tell me what you think about this story! ^.^)

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