The Interupted Night

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(Slight intimacy, they don't have it though)

We were still holding hands as we reached the cabin, I walked inside and pushed him on the bed, he didn't protest, I closed the door behind me, locking it as I lay down on top of him, kissing him gently, he grabbed my back and started feeling the new tattoo, I grabbed his hands, pushing them down. We were stroking each other, kissing harder and harder. He pressed himself right up against him, I could feel every detail of him, his abs of steel, his hip bones, the strength of his shoulder blades, his soft pliant lips.
It was driving me insane. I turned over so he was on top of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, tugging at his belt loop. I was taking his shirt off, tugging and undoing his belt. He propped himself up on his elbows so he didn't squish me. I bit his lip, he kissed me harder and harder, trying to press us in one form. His hips were slightly grinding mine, I leaned against him, taking off his pants. His finger hooked at my bra. He pulled off my t-shirt. He started to click the bra off, I felt uncomfortable being naked, I hesitated. He pulled apart slightly, "You're beautiful, why can't you see that?" He pleaded. I closed my eyes and let him take the whole thing off. I felt so exposed, I pushed him off me and lay on him, kissing and moaning.
He kissed back, stroking my sides. "I need t-" there was a loud knock at the door. Tobias swore under his breath. I kissed him quickly, grabbed my clothes, shoving them quickly on as he shoved his shorts on, I hid under the bed. He unlocked the door, forgetting to put his shirt on, "what do you- wha-?" He was cut off by someone's lips propped against his, it was Tara. He got angry, pushing her away from him, she came back and clung on to his shoulders. Kissing him again and again.
I lunged at her, pinning Tara against the wall. "Get. Away. From. My. BOYFRIEND!" I screeched at her.
"He's not your Boyf-"
"Actually yes I am. I will never love anyone else but Tris, especially not you" he spat, rubbing his hand against his mouth, sneering at her.
I pulled out a gun and hold it to her head, "Give me a reason not to shoot. I dare you!" I sneered. Her eyes were wide with terror, "You can't do that... It's. That's murder!" She shrieked. I dug my arm further in her neck.
"Murder? Like how you murdered Lanny?" Tobias asked. Tara twitched.
"She had it coming for her, it was her own damn fault." She spat, her voice croaky from the lack of air. I put the safety off my gun, pressing it right against her head. "And eye for and eye. A tooth for a tooth. A life for a life... Seems fitting." I smiled at her with cold malice. She whimpered.
"Y-you can't. I- you-" I was cutting off her air supply, he fingers numbly tried to pry my arm away from her.
"Do we kill her?" I asked Tobias, peering over my shoulder. He stood still for a bit. "No. Embarrass her first. I will not stoop to her level. Then she can go rot in jail, she would most likely get the death sentence anyway." He shrugged, not really caring either way.
"Embarrassment? I like that. Unfortunately you didn't make it through initiation. Time to meet everyone else who did." I wrapped my fingers around her neck, half carrying, half dragging her out the door, leading her to the cabin.
Tobias opened the door, "Everybody GET UP!" He yelled, surprising many people who stumbled and fell out of bed.
"Wh-why? What's go-going on?- Tara?" Tina said, snapping up quickly when she saw her, she quickly rubbed her eyes.
"Tina. They're going to shoot me!" She whimpered, trying to act innocent like a damsel in distress. Everyone stared at us, Tina didn't move but kept her eyes warily on Tara.
"Only if you kill anyone else." I replied simply. "Everyone follow me." I said, storming out the door, the group avoiding Tara and muttering indistinctly to each other. I led them through the doors of the training room, punching Tara and sending her flying. "This is the price for murdering Lanny." I said.
"And sexual harassment." Tobias added. Tara got up, I smashed her head to the ground, hard.
There was a silence, many people glared coldly at Tara. None more then Tina.
Adrian stormed up to Tara, tackling her and smashing her everywhere, against the ground, "I knew you murdered Lanny!" He said savagely, spitting on her face. He turned around and started walking away. Tara got up, staggering towards him, a sharp stone in her hand.
"NO!" I yelled, she cut me. But I tackled her to the ground. Constantly punching her nose and kicking her ribs.
Tobias took advantage of this and said cheerily. "Well. Might as well watch how Tris fights..." I didn't notice. I grabbed Tara's head and forced it to the ground, broken teeth falling out of her mouth. I dislocated her shoulder, hearing her scream in agony as she coughed up blood. "This is for my boyfriend" I mumbled. Head butting her into oblivion she collapsed, blood splattering everywhere.
"By the time she wakes up she will either be dead. Or in jail. Maybe both" Tobias shrugged. My rage from the last few days was starting to fade away, guilty pleasure taking its place.
"You guys can leave now. I just needed to show you she was a murderer." I mumbled. I heard scuffling. I turned around to see the group leaving, going back to sleep. However Tina still stood there. She raised her head. Tobias was already dragging Tara's unconscious body away.
"I'm sorry. I had a suspicion and I should've come to see you, and I didn't because I thought she would hurt someone else. And, I understand if you want me to leave" she bit her lip. Surprise took me over as I walked to her, she braced herself as if I would hit her. I leaned down and pressed her against me, giving her an embracing hug. She started sobbing into my shirt, I stroked her hair soothingly. Like my mother use to do.
"Just because you are related to her, it doesn't mean you're like her. Plus don't bring yourself down, saying you are like her. You're not. You're an excellent fighter and a strong young girl." She looked at me, her eyes still brimming with tears, her cheeks damp.
"Thank you. But everyone else will hate me, she was my sister. And now she's a monster and I don't kn-"
"No they won't hate you! You're different. Let's go back to the cabin," I said, leading her from the room that gave her torment.
"Thank you Tris" she mumbled. Her voice cracked.
"You're a hero. You didn't stand up for her, you are brave and strong. And they will see that" I opened the door, everyone was scattered around the room. Some in bed, perking up as I walked in. "Emma please take care of her" I gave her to Emma who hugged her.
"Of coarse." She said as she led Tina over. "Could Tina have the bed under me?" Emma asked, not to a particular person.
"Well yeah. It's not like anyone uses it" Max replied, shrugging. Tina moved her stuff over and slunk into the bed. "Hey guys. You can talk to me about stuff. Okay? I've had a pretty rough past as well" I said, heading out the door.
"What happened?" Asked John, facing me. I sighed, it's not like these kids were in the mood for sleeping.
"Gather on the floor. Bring blankets and pillows because you might fall asleep." I said, sitting down. They grabbed their stuff and joined me, getting comfortable.
I told them everything. What it meant to be divergent, how I found out. About my brother Caleb choosing erudite when I thought he would stay in abnegation. The war, my parents. Me shooting Will. There were gasps and laughs along the way.
"And then I woke up. And here I am" I finished off. I wasn't good at endings. I shrugged as everyone stared at me.
"How did you survive?" Adrian asked, stupefied.
"I had Tobias. He was the one keeping me alive the whole time. And I was the one keeping him alive." I said fondly, thinking about the tattoo on my finger. "Okay. Get sleep, well the ones who already aren't. The results are coming through tomorrow. Good luck" I smiled, heading out the door and locking it behind me. I saw Tobias slunked against the wall. "You heard everything didn't you?" I asked him, grabbing his hand.
"Yeah. I knew most of it though." He grabbed me tighter and led me back to the cabin. I felt free, it's like the burden from the past years had been lifted off my shoulder, rage, guilt, hatred and heartache. I was free.

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