Chapter Seven: The Prince

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I stay for the promotional tour Sebastian is giving Han Sin. As if Han Sin's representatives have never visited Harrison Inc. before, but it's good publicity to show that Sebastian is somewhat invested in the company.

"Just got an email from GQ," Sarah whispers to me, eyes on Sebastian in front of the cameras and lights.

"Do they want Sebastian in an article?"

She shakes her head. "No. Front cover."

"Have them email me—"

"Already done."

I can tell Sarah's still upset about the Alejandro thing that happened a couple of minutes ago, but in all honesty, there wasn't much I could have done to have prevented that situation. The Quintanilla's have left the promotional signing quietly and respectfully, so there isn't much reason to still be upset.

After the tour is done, Sebastian stays at Harrison Inc. to meet with the Board to speak more about planning for Sebastian's transition. I go back to my new office (which, again, happens to be a few blocks away) and continue setting up with Darcy. She managed to get most of the office set up.

"Oh, Leslie," Darcy says before she leaves through the hallway. "Someone by the name of 'Salvador Quintanilla' called and wanted to set up a meeting."

My heart stops. I honestly didn't expect them to call so quickly, and part of me wonders if meeting with him or his family is a good idea; I'm Sebastian's publicist, and the Quintanilla's are his future business partners. I'm sure Sebastian is upset I even gave the card to Alejandro in the first place. God, what the hell did I do?

I weigh the possible outcomes—call them back, find out what they want, and deal with Sebastian and Sarah's wrath. Or deny them the opportunity and keep Sebastian happy.

"Um...just...I'll call them later."

"You sure?"

I nod. "Yes, Darcy. I'm sure."

She sees that somethings wrong with me. Darcy is unaware of what Sebastian and I have and are currently going through, and I want to keep it that way. But gradually, it's becoming harder to separate work and relationships like I wanted to, which is eventually going to seep out for everyone to see when Sebastian and I are together (today being an example, during the promotional signing with Han Sin). I can't help but feel that everything I do now is tied to him in some way.

I hate it.


When its 8:00PM, I decide to head home. But I figure it's pointless since I'm going to be doing the same thing there that I'm doing here: working.

I go down to the parking garage, which is about half empty at this point. Checking my phone as I walk to my car, I see a tall, dark figure leaning against my car door. My hand immediately reaches for my pocket knife in my purse, heart pounding, ears ringing at the sight, until I realize who it is.

"Jesus, Claude." I catch my breath as he walks towards me. "A simple phone call would have sufficed."

Claude's smile is barely visible behind his sandy brown facial hair. "I'm a quiet man. How's your evenin', princess?"

I roll my eyes, partly because of his response but mostly because I know he's here on the topic of Sebastian.

"It was good until you almost scared me to death."

He's oddly close to me, but I don't want to create awkwardness by backing away from him.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here?" he starts, hands deep in the pockets of his black slacks.

A Waltz With Wolves (Book II in The Harrison Inc. Series) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now