(grandmother)The pain in my heart is evident,
And the pain in my soul - transparent.
With a heavy heart I try to write,
A poem about your heartbreaking demise.There is a hole in me as big as the sun,
And to think it took a person, just one,
To make me come completely undone.
Your footsteps are gone and there are none to follow,
I never thought I could feel so hollow.But,
I don't want to only write about my pain,
But the love for you that I have gained.
You taught me so much when I was young,
We'd draw, sow, stitch, till the day was done.You inspired me in everything I did,
You pulled me up when I was a drift.
I constantly hear you laughing in my mind,
So loud, sweet, contagious and kind.Without you in my life,
I don't know how I'll survive -
Two years later;
My heart still has a crater.You brought joy and happiness wherever you went,
And never said words that you never meant.
She was a small lady with a powerful demeanor,
And in Him, a mighty believer.I love you, with all of my earthly heart,
And with that love I'll make a new start.
One where you inspire my ever move,
One that I know you will approve.I will never, ever forget you, my treasure, my pearl.
I hope they take good care of you, my Gogo, my world.// R. M.
In loving memory of my grandmother.
25.11.49 - 28.12.16See, heaven's got a place for you.

N U D E - poetry of an unquiet mind ✓
PoetryI've undressed my mind; I'm in the nude. ✧ © 2018-20 rmm all rights reserved (under some construction, so some poems may appear missing for now -17/10/22)