My mind is a messed up place,
Doctors try to call it a common case,
But no, no, you can't begin to comprehend the mess,
Can't study my patterns like a game of chess.
I've got multiple sides to me;
Always fearful of tomorrow cause I don't know who I'll be.
I could be the artist, the protector, the idealist,
Or the mechanic, the thinker, the scientist.
Myers Briggs test can't boil me down to a single possibility,
I'm a realist worst nightmare - realistically.
Everyday a new personality enters the game,
Even have some fan favourites who I've give a name.
Whether it's Sullivan or the other guy no one seems to remember,
You can't use your psychological knowledge to pull them apart - to dismember.
I'm not like your other patients,
Stop using your textbook to find relations,
Cause you can't fit me into a category,
My personalities likes to bask in their own glory.// R.M.
Dedicated to Sullivan, my favourite of them all.

N U D E - poetry of an unquiet mind ✓
PoetryI've undressed my mind; I'm in the nude. ✧ © 2018-20 rmm all rights reserved (under some construction, so some poems may appear missing for now -17/10/22)