Prologue and Chapter 1

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* * *Thousands of Gramores encircled the castle. Fires scorched the homes in the market and the fields were no longer full of golden grain and fresh vegetables. All that was left was black soot and dirt. Although the air was bitter cold, the fires thrived. Women and children were screaming in the streets, running for safety. In the castle, soldiers ran around trying desperately to fight off the oncoming enemies. An entire army of Gramores was waiting just outside the main gates accompanied by at least four hundred human soldiers. Their leader, General Ares, had instructed them to get inside the castle; to capture and kill whomever and whatever they pleased.

The queen and her five-year-old daughter were huddled in a corner of a room in the castle, protected by one of the castle guards. A young boy just a few years older than the Princess, held tightly to her hand. "Don't worry, Princess Maria," he comforted, "We'll be all right."

"Thanks, Ben," she said. At that moment, another guard came into the room where the four sat waiting and bowed before the Queen.

"Well?" inquired the first guard. He shifted his weight and stared at the second guard intently. "Any news?"

"Yes," replied the second with a sigh, "terrible news. We need to get the Queen and the Princess out of here. The Gramores have overtaken our army and are plundering the city. General Carnor has called for a retreat and reinforcements. The soldiers are fighting with all they've got left in them to protect the Queen. Once she's gone though, I think they'll leave. All they want is her and the Princess." Both guards turned to the Queen for instruction. Queen wore a blank look on her face and she became very pale. The young Princess' heart trembled with fear. She pulled her mother closer to her for comfort.

"Save my daughter before you save me," the Queen imposed. "Put her on the back of her Pegasus, Zanzibar, and send her to Earth. She will be safe there. I am sure of it."

"But, Your Majesty..."

"Do not argue with the Queen!" snapped the first guard. Anger flared in his voice. He was clearly about to snap under the stress.

"Now, now, Brock." The Queen's voice was quiet and tremulous as she spoke to the first guard. His expression of anger and hate troubled her, but she kept her tears back with little effort. "You need to get my daughter to her Pegasus, no arguing. Don't delay! Hurry!" Brock bowed and turned to get the Princess' things. Only a few moments after he left a Gramore burst into the room, looked around, and charged at the Queen, growling and bearing his teeth. The guard who was still in the room was knocked down and mauled by the beast. As his screams became silent, Princess Maria shoved her face into her mother's chest to hide the now hideous face of the soldier. Ben drew his small sword and ran to the Gramore knowing that he would have to be the one to protect the Princess now. With little effort, the Gramore knocked him to the ground and ran on, battle-ax in hand.

"No!" screamed the Princess, "Ben!" But before she could run to her best friend's side, a strong hand was on her; picking her up. The next thing she knew, she was on her Pegasus, Zanzibar, and rising upward and out the window.

"Be strong, Maria! I love you!" her mother called as the guard pulled the Queen off her feet and led her to the door where her Pegasus was waiting. The Princess was leaving her mother, leaving the only world and home she had ever known. She was scared. "Mother!" Tears were pouring from her eyes. She gripped Zanzibar's silky mane and squeezed her eyes closed. "Mother." As Zanzibar flew her over the burning castle and the horrible sight of battle, the Princess opened her eyes once more. A Gramore from down on the ground shot an arrow at her. It grazed her head and the Pegasus swooped higher into the sky to keep her balanced on his back. Blood loss soon made the tiny Princess fall into a very deep sleep. The only thing that she remembered was the stars in the darkening sky.

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