Chapter 14 & 15

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Chapter 14: Lord Ragus

Lord Ragus paced back and forth. He knew that his sword was in the hands of his enemy. Although he was not at his sister's castle, he could feel the sword's power revealing itself and the thoughts of the young girl who held it. Ragus tried to think up some way he could get the sword back. He would have to be careful because the sword held his own fate. I will send my most loyal friend, he thought. The Gramores won't be able to take on this job. It's too hard for their puny brains to handle and the soldiers are already on a mission. Lord Ragus put on his cloak, pulled the hood over his head, and left the room; cloak flowing behind him.

He walked through the hallways to a large door. Three Gramore guards bowed to him and stepped aside. He unlocked all the locks on the door and walked in.

A huge, black dragon was sleeping on the bone-littered floor. Chains bound his legs and neck to the floor. "Arise, my dragon," said Ragus. Immediately, the dragon's eyes opened to reveal tiny slits of red, glowing eyes. He lifted his great head and then stood up.

"I knew you were coming, Master," the dragon's deep voice said.

"It has been a long time since we have ridden together, Zashnyx."

"Yes, it has," replied the dragon. His deep voice almost growled and Ragus did not remember it being so deep. "I have been chained to these walls for ten years, Master."

"I know you have but now, you will be free to go, to stretch your great wings in flight once more, to destroy all that come in your path," replied Ragus and lifted a fist into the air. "I have a job for you, my friend."

"What is your wish, Master?" Zashnyx bowed and shook off his sleep. He was a large, muscular dragon plated in black, shiny scales. His eyes glowed red and two black horns rose up from his head. Black spikes ran down his back and tail and a large pointed tip showed at the end of it. It resembled the head of a spear and was the dragon's most lethal weapon.

"I need you to get something for me," Ragus lifted his arm. His hand was closed in a fist again. Ragus opened his fist and the chains that were holding the dragon, fell off. Zashnyx looked down at his legs.

"Thank you, Master," he offered.

"I need you to find the girl they call Princess Adeline and bring her to me," explained Ragus. "Do it at all costs except," he paused, "harming the sword she will have with her and being seen. I wouldn't want my sister to know that I am on the move these days. Those Gramores simply attacked for food." Ragus lied and covered up the Gramores' attack during the party with a gruff voice.

"Of course," said Zashnyx, understanding his cover-up. "Master how will I know this girl?" asked the black dragon who was now stretching his wings in preparation for flight.

"She is the Princess," said Lord Ragus. "You will know her."

"Of course, Master. Is this sword you speak of, Ainrian?" asked Zashnyx.

"Yes, my great sword, Ainrian. It was confiscated from me when they put me in that dreaded tower," Ragus walked over to his dragon and placed his hand on Zashnyx's scaly back. "I fear this Princess is going to be part of my undoing, Zashnyx."

"Master, she is but a girl," offered Zashnyx. "You can destroy her easily."

"Yes, but you forget, she has that sword and the elves and dwarves may be on her side," corrected Ragus. "Now, go! Go! Find the Princess and bring her to me! Bring the sword, Zashnyx," ordered Lord Ragus. "And do not fail me." Zashnyx bowed and leaped out the window. Though unused and somewhat atrophied, his powerful wings served him well. Ragus stood and watched as his old war mount and friend flew off toward the enemy's castle.

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