Chapter 25 & 26

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Chapter 25:  Zashnyx 

Zashnyx had followed the Princess to Ominerstia. He waited every day for the right moment to speak to her, as Ragus had instructed. Dusk settled around him as he overlooked the city of Ominerstia. Farmers cleaned up their tools and herded their livestock into the pens for the night. Zashnyx lifted his head higher and sniffed the air. He smelled blood.

Lifting himself off the rock he was lying on, his great wings lifted him off the ground in search of food. He flew over tall trees and thick streams. He heard an animal's cries for help and swooped down to investigate. A boar had been attacked by a wolf and left to fend for itself. One of it's front legs was missing and a large scrape ran along it's stomach. It will die by tonight, Zashnyx thought. He landed; ignoring the screams of the boar. With elegance and speed, Zashnyx clamped his jaws down on the boar and it's squealing ceased. Zashnyx grasped the boar in his talons and leaped into the sky to continue watching Ominerstia. As he flew, he saw a tall cloaked figure walking alone in the forest. Zashnyx knew who it was and flew down; dinner in hand.

"Zashnyx," the man said once Zashnyx had landed.

Zashnyx nodded. "What have you found of the Princess?"

"Her bodyguard is a deadly enemy," the man replied. "I saw him fight today."

"Did he win?" Zashnyx asked curiously.

"Almost." The man gulped and shivered. "What news do you have from Lord Ragus?"

"Just to carry on with our assigned jobs." Zashnyx growled as he swallowed the last bite of the boar. Blood stained his face and claws. The man nodded and turned to leave. Zashnyx flew away; back to his rock. He watched the city for several more hours and then fell asleep.

* § *

Zashnyx awoke the next morning. The sunrise lifted over the horizon and the farmers had already begun their work. Sheep brayed in the fields and dogs chased the children. Zashnyx's eyes led him to the castle walls. Two figures stood together on the wall. Alone. Zashnyx watched the two of them for several minutes and then realized that the Princess was one of the people standing on the wall. Zashnyx didn't know who the other person was. He stretched his wings and turned around. How do I get the Princess alone? I'll have to come up with a plan. It will have to happen soon because Ragus is getting impatient. I wonder what he has planned. Even as he thought, Zashnyx knew Ragus' intentions. He knew what the future held and didn't want to witness it.

Chapter 26: A Boy, A Fight, & A Dragon

I was standing on the wall of the castle. Skye was at my side and we watched as the sun lifted itself over the line of trees. Skye came to my room that morning and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. He apologized for the way he acted the day before and I forgave him; just as I forgave Ben. Now, we stood in silence, my stomach doing somersaults as he seemed closer to me than ever.

"Beautiful morning, huh?" I broke the silence.

"Yes, it is a beautiful morning. Beautiful." Skye looked at me and then back at the sunrise.

"How old are you, Skye?" I asked. That was such a stupid question! Can't I think of anything else?! Add "small talk with cute boys" to the list of things I wasn't taught in Earth's high schools. Ugh.

"I'm nineteen," Skye replied, his lip twitched into a smile, "And you?"

"Seventeen," I said flatly.

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